Compassionately Written Home Schooling Educational Book Available On Amazon

Compassionately Written Home Schooling Educational Book Available On Amazon, updated 8/25/22, 10:01 AM

Calling all parents of school-aged children: if you’re already home-schooling, or have been thinking about making the switch, Linda R. Warren-Stapleton’s debut advice book on home-schooling is now available on Amazon Kindle. Go to to find out more.

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Compassionately Written Home
Schooling Educational Book
Available On Amazon
Linda R. Warren-Stapleton’s new
informative home schooling resource
‘Home Schooling Tips For Families' has
been written to help you provide a
successful education at home. 
Warren-Stapleton describes herself as a
compassionate author, who understands both
the challenges and opportunities presented to
you and children by home schooling.
She wants to help you if you have
chosen home-schooling for your
child to accomplish more
This easy-to-read online resource enables parents of school-aged children to
become the best and most supportive home educators that they can be. 
In the book, she turns her 10+ years of experience into actionable advice that will
help you to ensure your child’s successful education, personal growth and safety.
She believes that with the right support, knowledge, and a caring approach, you can
create a compassionate and secure learning environment that is still academically
Linda R. Warren-Stapleton is a
Kansas-city based entrepreneur and
author. She currently works as both the
President of Stapleton & Associates
and as a full-time parent educator.
Go to
to find out more.