Magento 2 Custom Order Number

Magento 2 Custom Order Number, updated 7/10/24, 9:21 AM

Custom Order Number Extension for Magento 2 allows you to customize the numbering of orders, invoices, shipments, and credit memos in your store. This extension helps you enhance the management and organization of your store's documentation by providing unique, sequential, and easily identifiable order numbers.

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Custom order number – Magento 2
Supported Version: 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 1
Table Of Contents
Preface ......................................……………………………………......3
Option 1: Magento 2 install extension using COMMAND LINE .........…………..…..4
Option 2: Magento 2 install extension manually ………………………………….......5
Backend Example ………………………………………………………...……...6

Extension configuration………………………………………………………...6 2

- Magento 2 Custom Order Number is a useful extension that helps you
manage the order database in your store easily by customizing order
number, invoice number and all IDs of sale documents.
- Use custom order numbers for order related documentation
- Customize order number by creating a fexible format with letters and
various variables: Counter, Date, Random Number, Store id etc.
- Use order number as invoice, shipment and credit memo number or custom
the new numbering for them.
- Set number start, increments and number padding for Counter variable.
- Reset counter manually or confgure to reset daily, monthly, yearly

automatically. 3
There are two ways of installing extension in magento2.
2) Manually install extension.
Option 1: Magento 2 install extension using COMMAND LINE (Recommended).
Follow below steps to install extension from the command line.
Step 1: Download the extension and unzip it.
Step 2: Upload it to code directory in your magento installation’s app directory.
If code directory does not exists then create.
Step 3: Disable the cache under System → Cache Management.
Step 4: Enter the following at the command line:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Step 5: Once you complete above steps log out and log in back to the admin
panel and switch to Stores → Configuration → Mageants → Custom order
number. The module will be displayed in the admin panel. 4
Option 2: Magento 2 install extension manually.
Step 1: Download the extension and unzip it.
Step 2: Upload it to code directory in your magento installation’s app directory.
If code directory does not exists then create.
Step 3: Disable the cache under System → Cache Management Edit
app/etc/config.php file and add one line code:

‘Mageants_customordernumber’ → 1
Step 4: Disable the cache under System → Cache Management
Step 5: Once you complete above steps log out and log in back to the
admin panel and switch to Stores → Configuration → Mageants →
Custom order number, the module will be displayed in the admin panel. 5
Backend Example
- After Installation of Extension login to magento admin panel to set
configuration of the extension.
Extension Configuration
As per below screen shot you can set all the settings here.
Go to Stores → Configuration → Mageants → Custom Order Number,
to specify general extension Configuration.
Enabled - choose Yes to enable the extension.
Custom Order Data Configuration
To confgure custom order number expand the Order Number Set-
tings section. 6
Order number format
Enter a format containing letters, numbers as well as variables for
the order number.
The variables that you can add to the order number format.
-{counter} for counter
-{rand} for generate random number
-{store_id} for store id
-{store_name} for store name
-{yyyy} for full year display
-{yy} for shortened year display
-{m} for short month display
-{mm} for full month display
-{d} for short day display
-{dd} for full day display
{counter} variable Configuration
Counter Start From - enter a number to set which number the
{counter} variable begins counting.
Counter Increment By - enter a number to set the {counter}
variable increases by for every new order.
Counter Number Padding - set the total of digits for
order numbers. For example set the 6 padding and counter
number is 369 then create order number is 000369.
Reset Counter Number - set option to reset counte Variable au-
tomatically. There are three option is Each Day, Each Month and
Each Year.
Reset - click on reset button then reset the counter variable im-
mediately. 7
Custom Invoice Data Configuration
To confgure custom invoice number expand the Invoice Number Set-
tings section.
Similar to Order Number -
Choose Yes to use the invoice number same asthe order number. You can
replace letters in order number format.
Note :- you can’t replace the variable in order number format Invoice
Prefii - enter a letters of order number format to which one you want
to replace with order format.
Replace in order number - enter latter that you want to re-
if you want Choose No then not use the invoice number same as the
order number. you can customize invoice number same as order
number setting. 8
Custom Shipment Data Configuration
To confgure custom shipment number expand the Shipment Number
Settings section.
Same as Custom Invoice Data Configuration 9
Custom Creditmemo Data Configuration
To configure custom creditmemo number expand the
memo Number Settings section.
Same as Custom Invoice Data Configuration
Sales Order Grid 10

Sales Invoice Grid
Sales Shipment Grid 11
Sales Creditmemo Grid 12
Thank you!
If you have any questions or feature suggestions, please contact us
Your feedback is absolutely welcome! 13