Edge-Computing Service Balances Email Metrics And Consumer Privacy

Edge-Computing Service Balances Email Metrics And Consumer Privacy, updated 2/3/22, 3:01 PM

New edge service resolves email open rates, including Apple MPP traffic, for marketers, publishers and platforms. It provides a new approach to balance privacy and market feedback obscured by middle-party proxies. Further information can be found at https://campaigngenius.io/open-genius.

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Edge-Computing Service
'Open Genius' Resolves
Email Metrics Privacy
Challenge Fr
Today Campaign Genius announced public availability of
Open Genius, its new Email Open Rate Service for Apple
For marketers with even a passing
interest in ethical email practices and
consumer privacy, this service
provides a new way to balance the
challenges presented by middle-party
With Apple's announcement of Mail Privacy Protection in late 2021, email
marketers speculated on the potentially catastrophic impact of false-
positive signals on open rates.
Leading email-sending platform SparkPost
recently tweeted "Only about 10% of opens
remain until we get to the saturation point of
iOS 15." Open Genius gives marketers
statistics-driven tools to restore open
Matthew Dunn, CEO of Campaign
Genius, notes "We believe Open Genius
balances consumer desire for privacy
with marketers' need for feedback by
providing rates and comparisons, without
data on individual recipients.
Email marketers regain the leading indicator of customer
engagement with their campaign content." Key innovations in the
service are patent-pending.
Open Genius leverages "Edge
computing" to ensure consumer
privacy and compliance with local
"Apple upset practices that have been in place for
20 years.
While open rates were never
exact, they were extremely
useful as indicators.
Some email marketers have given up on opens; we want
them to have the option." notes Dr.
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