Surrogates & Intended Parents - Things You Should Know Before Finding The Right

Surrogates & Intended Parents - Things You Should Know Before Finding The Right, updated 10/5/21, 9:05 PM

Intended parents sometimes feel anxiety at the beginning of their surrogacy journey. When it’s time for the all important first “match meeting” there are some tried and true tips that help intended parents.

Useful Tips For Finding A Perfect Surrogacy Match

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Surrogates & Intended Parents - Things You Should
Know Before Finding The Right
How do you find the right surrogate to match with? We'll dive
into useful tips based on our years of experience.
All surrogates must pass specific criteria and meet
required guidelines before they can qualify to be a
suitable carrier.
When it's time for the all important first "Match meeting" there are some
tried and true tips that help intended parents determine if it's the right
match, while at the same time setting the stage for an emotionally
healthy, respectful journey ahead.
If you ask an intended parent how they
matched with their surrogate, they
might tell you that they just knew she
was the one after meeting her.
Establishing the appropriate atmosphere of the match-
meeting conversation Balancing your expectations Paying
attention to how your behavior may affect your potential
surrogate Matching with the right surrogate for you is key
to building a solid foundation for the journey to
parenthood! Before the Ma
It will be beneficial to think of open-ended questions to ask the surrogate before you meet her, such as
"What are the major reasons why you decided to become a surrogate?", "What is a typical day in your life
like?", "How often would you like to touch base throughout the process?" or "What do your
During the Match Meeting The match
meeting should be a relaxed, casual,
stress free connection between you
and the surrogate on a personal level.
The match meeting should not feel like a test,
but rather, it should be an open, honest and
transparent conversation you have with your
potential surrogate.
After the Match Meeting Although neither party is obligated to make a
decision at the actual match meeting, it is best to make a decision
within 24 after the meeting.
This not only gives the surrogate confidence in
your relationship, it also gives your agency
flexibility in presenting the surrogate to other
interested intended parents, in case you would
like to pass on the potential surrogate.
After an official match, your agency
will send all of the surrogate's
information over to your IVF clinic to
start the medical process.
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