Get Brazilian Coffee With Chocolate & Hazelnut Notes: Medium Roasted-To-Order

Get Brazilian Coffee With Chocolate & Hazelnut Notes: Medium Roasted-To-Order, updated 10/31/22, 7:01 AM

What's your poison? Mine's coffee - but since I stopped drinking the horrible store-bought sludge, I stopped thinking about it as 'poison'. With GoCoffeeGo, I drink the finest brew the world has to offer. Check it out at

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Get Brazilian Coffee With Chocolate &
Hazelnut Notes: Medium Roasted-To-
Jokes aside, I do love coffee! As does most of the world - it is
literally the most popular beverage on the entire planet!
However, not all coffee is made equal.
If you're a coffee lover, ever had
that cheap brown sludge they call
espresso - but should really be
called depresso? Anyway, I could
no longer submit my tastebuds to
that horror.
I decided to start ordering
freshly roasted coffee from
Brazil from the best
roasters in the USA from
With a balanced smooth body,
this natural-processed coffee is
unlike anything you've ever
tasted before - so flavorful and
sweet! I really could go for a
cup right about now...
Hands down, the smoothest
cup of coffee you'll ever have,
another popular product is
Doma Roasting Company's
Brazil Minas Gerais which
stands out with its smooth and
sweet flavor.
Sourced from the well-known
coffee region of Minas Gerais,
it comes in 12oz, 2lbs, and
5lbs packs. Another GCG
roaster with a high-end Brazil is
Klatch Coffee's Diamond
Redcab Brazil is a single-origin
coffee by Barefoot Coffee Roasters,
which roasts coffees with an
emphasis on flavors notes such as
chocolate ganache, cola berry, &
plum molasses.
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