Book by Coach Ruthie Gallardo: Grow Your Business on a Bulletproof Foundation

Book by Coach Ruthie Gallardo: Grow Your Business on a Bulletproof Foundation, updated 8/15/22, 7:21 AM

Ruthie Gallardo Real Estate Coach and Broker launched her brand new book, “GROW Your Real Estate Business on A Bullet Proof Foundation”, available on Ebook and Print. More information is available at the website:

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Book by Coach Ruthie Gallardo: Grow Your
Business on a Bulletproof Foundation
The book was written with the
aim in mind to educate Real
Estate Agents on sustainable
strategies to grow their
business foundation.
There's also particular excitement about the
timing of this book because This book comes at
a pivotal time in the real estate market where
many agents have found success without
building a foundation and this books will provide
them that foundation to aid them in maintaining
the success as the marke
GROW Your Real Estate Business on A
Bullet Proof Foundation sets its main
focus on 10 thoroughly tested and
proven strategies to help Real Estate
Agents with what can sometimes seem
like the daunting task of building a
sustainable business foundation.
Readers will likely find a
particular interest in how the
simple and sustainable
strategies will often bring more
business and income growth
than the latest gimmick.
The book's cover art was created
by illustrator Fabi Paolini and
GROW Your Real Estate
Business on A Bullet Proof
Foundation is being released both
on line and on print.
This helped shaped the creation of
the book By helping her recognize
the moment in the market and what
that means for agents who are
growing their business on a less
than solid foundation.
When asked about why she wrote the book,
Gallardo said: "I find it extremely important to
share something simple, sustainable, and
affordable to help agents grow that's not a
gimmick or get rich quick scheme" Gallardo
has hopes that the book will simplify what it
takes to build a solid foundation in
This positive outlook from the
author is certainly testament
to their optimism considering
some of the mishaps during
its creation.
At one point of the publishing process10
copies of the book were ordered to proof
and 100 copies showed up with typos
and all, fortunately there was so much
interest from agents wanting a copy that
a large majority of the 100 proofs were
gone within days.
In a recent interview, the author
made a point of thanking her
family, coaching clients, and
the amazing agents who trust
me to be their everyday Broker.
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