Seafood Supply Chain Tool Offers Complete Food Traceability With QR Tracking

Seafood Supply Chain Tool Offers Complete Food Traceability With QR Tracking, updated 1/15/22, 12:10 AM

iFoodIQ (623-440-1726) based in Scottsdale, AZ is a food intelligence tool that offers complete transparency of the supply chain. The traceability solution offers unique insights on the people who source the food. Learn more at

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Seafood Supply Chain
Tool Offers Complete
Food Traceability With
QR Tracking
Quick: Do you know where your food came from? And no,
we're not talking about the restaurant where you're eating
it at.
We mean, the farm where it was
sourced, the body of water where it
was fished? You need to know these
things so that you can make smarter,
more informed choices about what
you eat.
Introducing, iFoodIQ: Your most extensive traceability
solution for food.
The goal of our tool is to improve food
intelligence, not only by detailing how
a product moves through the supply
chain but by learning about the people
behind it.
We tell the stories of the “little guys” who comprise the chain –
from the organic farmer in California to the captain of a fishing
vessel off the coast of Maine.  
Our extensive traceability
solution is particularly useful
for seafood purchases. 
Analysts have observed that the current worker shortage combined
with a surge in consumer demand has sparked a rise in seafood
Several supply chain issues are
implied, including questioning why
fewer workers are engaged in the
seafood industry. 
Experts note that for the supply chain to remain untangled, full
transparency of each link should be accessible for all. This is
where we come in. 
We endeavor to humanize the
food industry with accurate
and reliable food intelligence. 
iFoodIQ is a division of Food Marketing Solutions which has been a
leader in food branding in the United States for more than 20
The team behind Food Marketing
Solutions partnered with several
technology experts to create an
informative food traceability platform:
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