5 Strategies to Help Your Child Settle Into Daycare

5 Strategies to Help Your Child Settle Into Daycare, updated 6/3/22, 7:16 AM


Making the transition into daycare can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be stressful. By being prepared and using these strategies, you can help your child to settle in and enjoy their time at childcare.

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5 Strategies to Help Your Child
Settle Into Daycare
Separation anxiety is a
common issue that parents
face when their child starts
attending daycare.
It can be difficult for both the
child and the parent to
adjust to this new change.
Here are 5 strategies that
will help your child settle
into daycare: 1.
It is important to reassure
your child that you
understand how they feel
and that you will still be there
for them.
Be positive: It is important to
be positive about the whole
experience, both to yourself
and your child.
This positive attitude will be
contagious and will help your
child feel more comfortable in
their new surroundings.
Help your child to feel confident
about being away from you by
encouraging them to do things on
their own, such as packing their
own bag or saying goodbye to
you at the door.
Talk about daycare: Talking
to your child about their
daycare experiences can
help to ease any anxiety they
may be feeling.
By being prepared and using
these strategies, you can
help your child to settle in
and enjoy their time at
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1055 to find out more about
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