Eliminate Standing Privilege Threats With This Native Multi-Cloud PAM Solution

Eliminate Standing Privilege Threats With This Native Multi-Cloud PAM Solution, updated 5/10/22, 8:06 AM

Does your organization work in a multi-cloud environment? Limit your exposure to cyber threats with the cross-cloud privileged access management solution from Britive. Go to https://www.britive.com/blog/multi-cloud-pam-maturity-curve for more information.

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Eliminate Standing
Privilege Threats With
This Native Multi-Cloud
PAM Solution
Britive now offers a native, multi-cloud privileged access management solution. Using
advanced application programming interfaces, the platform integrates with all major
cloud service providers, including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Salesforce,
ServiceNow, and Oracle. 
It can be deployed in minutes,
providing your enterprise with
just-in-time privileges for all of
your cloud-based accounts.
Given the associated cost efficiencies and ease of use, the vast
majority of organizations now deploy some form of cloud
Recognizing that user identification is a
significant security threat in these
environments, Britive’s cross-cloud
solution helps you to minimize this risk
without sacrificing speed or productivity.
According to the technology review website findstack, as much as
83% of all company workloads now reside in the cloud, and 67% of
all enterprise infrastructure is cloud-based. 
Rather than using one solution,
however, over 80% of businesses
state that they have a multi-cloud
strategy deployed or in
As Britive points out, your on-site network will traditionally be protected by firewalls
and other security stacks. However, cloud computing environments generally rely
on human and machine IDs as the first line of defense. 
This becomes more difficult to manage when
you are using multiple cloud environments.
Functioning across IaaS, SaaS, PaaS, and
DaaS services, the company’s latest PAM
platform allows cross-cloud privilege
management and auditing in one solution.
Unlike systems that were developed for on-site data
centers, Britive's solution was developed specifically for the
As such, it can be deployed in a
very short timeframe, and can
also be scaled in line with your
organization’s growth.
The solution is a response to the rapidly emerging cloud computing market, and
the fact that traditional security solutions did not support the needs of innovative
enterprises working across multiple platforms.
Eliminate standing privileges
across all of your enterprise cloud
computing applications with
Britive’s innovative solution. 
Check out https://www.britive.com/blog/multi-cloud-pam-maturity-curve for more.