Turn Your How-To Book Into An Interactive Video Course - What You Need To Get Started

Turn Your How-To Book Into An Interactive Video Course - What You Need To Get Started, updated 3/7/22, 7:56 PM

Industry professional Gini Graham Scott has released 2 new books which can help you adapt your book into a film or into an interactive instructional course. To find out more, visit https://changemakerspub.samcart.com/products/turn-your-book-or-script-into-a-film

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Turn Your How-To Book Into An Interactive Video
Course - Comprehensive Guide
If you are a novelist or writer, chances are you have dreamt of
seeing your work portrayed on the big screen some day.
The new book from Changemakers Publishing will give you
the tools you need to adapt your work to the screen. Authors
worldwide have already seen massive success using a
similar model.
Given the recent rise of streaming media and explosion
in independent streaming networks, the demand for
adapted print media has never been higher.
Naturally, this means the demand for
people who can confidently and
competently screen write has also never
been higher, leading to many authors
placing a renewed focus on the field.
Thanks to author Gini Graham
Scott, you can now adapt your
work and cash in on this lucrative
Her book on the topic is a candid look at the industry and how you might
go about breaking into it in a nuanced way, without giving away all the
rights to your work.
The book starts at square one and
instructs you on how to vet your work
and re-tune it if necessary to be
optimized for screen adaptation.
The sequel walks non-fiction authors and
authors of instructional texts through the
process of adapting their work into a more
rigid, educational format.
Get your copy today and start reaching for that coveted silver screen title!
Gini Graham Scott, PhD, is a television writer, game show developer, and
long-time industry professional.
Her name is on the cover of over
200 books alongside countless
other writing credits for film and
She has chosen to share the knowledge
she has gained over this illustrious career,
over the course of which she has won 62
different awards, so that others may follow
in her footsteps.
Learn more at the link
in the description.