Wine Basics From grapes to Glass Slidedeck

Wine Basics From grapes to Glass Slidedeck, updated 10/1/21, 3:26 AM

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Wine Basics
From grapes to Glass
Claudia Steen
The science and business of growing
wine grapes
• Vigneron - Cultivator of grape
vines / wine maker
• Vitis vinifera – wine grape

• The science of wine production
• Enologist (vintner) - wine maker
• Enophile - someone who enjoys

History of wine
• Earliest wine 8000 BC in
• 2500 BC - Egyptians
• Greek & Romans worshiped a god
of wine
• Bacchus – Roman
• Dionysus - Greek
• Wine is referred to in the Bible
• Middle Ages - monks took the
ancients' knowledge of winemaking
and refined it
History of WA wine grapes
• First vines planted in WA state in 1825
Fort Vancouver – Hudson Bay Co.
• 1860 in Walla Walla
• Dr. Walter Clore – father of Washington
• 2014 statistics – WA Wine Commission
• 50,000 acres in production
• 40 + varieties planted
• 350 grape growers
• 227,000 tons of grapes harvested
• 890 + wineries
• 16 million cases of wine produced
• 4.4 billion dollar industry
53% white wines
47% red wines
Health Benefits of Wine
• Wine, in moderation, is a health
• decreased incident of heart
attacks & strokes (the French
• reduce tumors
• block formation of amyloidal
plaques which contribute to
• better dental health, etc
• Flavonoids - Anthocyanin in grape
skin give red color
• decreases cholesterol
• Rich in antioxidants

Health Benefits
of Wine
• Resveratrol – a class of
antioxidants known as
• Found in tannins in grape
skin, seeds, stems
• Is produced by plants to
ward off fungal infections
and other diseases
Wine grape growing primarily
between 30-50 degrees latitude
• 50 degree - cool climate wine
6-7 months to ripen, ↑ acid, ↓
sugar (alcohol), lighter color, not
as fruit forward, more delicate
• 30 degree - warm climate wine
4-5 months to ripen, ↓ acid, ↑
sugar, deeper color (↑ skin to
pulp ratio), fuller body, more fruit
Areas of the World with highest wine production

USA production
#1 – California
#2 – Washington
#3 – New York
Sense of place
• French for terre – land
• Influenced by:
• geography
• geology (soil type)
• Mosel region - blue slate
• Champagne region –
• Yakima Valley – Missoula
• climate (water,
sunlight, temperature)
• plant genetics
• microclimates
• Unique growing regions
Old World - Europe & Mediterranean
• can have mineral notes Burgundy, Loire,
Champagne, Bordeaux in France
• wines often labeled by region
• Chablis = Chardonnay
• Chianti = Sangiovese
• Sancerre = Sauvignon Blanc

New World - All other areas (green)
• S A (Chile, Argentina), South Africa,
America (CA, WA, OR, NY), Australia, NZ
• wines often labeled by the grape varietal
• Cabernet, Chardonnay, Riesling

• AVA - American Viticulture Area
• WA state has 13 appellations
• Yakima Valley - 1983
• Walla Walla Valley - 1984
• Columbia Valley 1984
• Puget Sound - 1995
• Red Mountain - 2001
• Columbia Gorge 2004
• Horse Heaven Hills - 2005
• Wahluke Slope - 2006
• Rattlesnake Hills - 2006
• Snipes Mountain - 2009
• Lake Chelan - 2009
• Naches Heights - 2011
• Ancient Lakes - 2012
In the Vineyard
• Grape harvest
• Picked when grapes ripe
approximately 24 brix of sugar
• Read in refractometer
(hydrometer) measures total
solids in a solution
Glucose or fructose plus yeast
converts to ethanol plus carbon
dioxide during fermentation
C6H12O6 + yeast =

2 CH3CH2OH + 2 CO2
• 2 brix = 1% sugar = 1% alcohol
In the Vineyard
• Acids
Picked when grape pH is
approximately 3.2 - 3.4 found in the
grape berry pulp

• Other indicators of ripeness
• Leaves turn brown and
photosynthesis slows or stops
• Seeds inside go from green
tinge to brown
• Squeeze berry, pulp is juicy &
tastes good!
Lab report on “must”
Acids - gives
wine body and

Titratable acidity (TA)
• pH
• L - Malic acid - harsher
• Tartaric acid - the
principal acid in grapes
promotes flavor and aging
in wine
• Lactic acid - softer acid
Harvesting the grapes
• Can be hand picked or machine picked
• Snips remove grape cluster to bucket
• Place full buckets into bins
At the Winery
• Bins transported to the winery
• Grapes loaded into stemmer /
• Stems are removed and discarded
• White wine
• Juice is pressed away from the skin
& seeds
• Juice goes into stainless steel
fermentation tanks
• Rose' wine
• Often use red grapes
• Juice is pressed away from the
skin & seeds
• Imparts a pink color and then
treated like white wine
At the Winery

Juice with skin and seeds is called

• Red wine
• Must goes into large vats for
initial fermentation
• Yeast (Saccharomyces
cervisiae) is added
• Cover with cloth (to keep
out fruit flies)
• Punch down cap daily
(skins float - seeds (pips) go
to the bottom)
• Smell is wonderful!
Types of Wine
• Still
• Cabernet – King of wine
• Chardonnay – Queen of wine
• Sparkling
• Champagne - France
• Cava - Spain
• Proseco - Italy
• Fortified (brandy)
• Port – Ruby, Vintage, Tawny
• Sherry
Wine grape Varieties
Noble grapes – most
popular, grown worldwide
• Whites

• Riesling
• Sauvignon blanc
• Chardonnay
• Reds
• Pinot Noir
• Merlot
• Cabernet Sauvignon
• Syrah (Shiraz)
• Many other varieties
Wine Production
• Red wine
• After initial fermentation the
wine is pressed off skin &
• Can have secondary
malolactic (ML) fermentation
(Lactobacillus bacteria)
• The harsher malic acid is
changed to the softer lactic
• One bi-product is Diacetyl
which gives a buttery flavor
and enhances complexity
• Placed into Oak barrels or
maturation tanks
Budding in the spring
Wine Production
•White or Rose wine
• Continue fermentation in
cooled stainless steel tanks
•Fermentation changes
sugar to alcohol
• White/Rose wines - can stop
fermentation process if
residual sugar desired or zero
if dry
• Red wines often fermented
to zero sugar
Maturation Process
• Racking over
• Take wine off the top and place into another vessel
- leaving the "lees" or sediment (dead yeast, seeds,
grape solids)
• Most reds (some whites) put into Oak barrels for
barrel maturation
• Coopers cut oak staves and construct barrel
• Toasting (carmelization) of the wood
imparts flavors to the wine
• Barrel flavors only lasts 2-3 years
• Vanillin (phenolic aldehyde)
• Lactones (coconut)
• Phenols a perceived sweetness
• Spice notes, Leather, few tannins
Barrels are toasted
• Can choose degree of toasting
• Light - LT
• Med – MT
• Heavy – HT
• Now can get oak chips to add to wine
in neutral barrels
Maturation Process
• Types of Oak
• American Oak - $$ stronger flavors
• French Oak - $$$$ tighter grain, better
• Hungarian Oak - $ not as strong flavors
as American
• Neutral Oak – used in primary
fermentation or maturation where little
oak is required
• Topping off
• Oak is porous and water evaporates
• need to add wine to head space to
discourage oxidation
Wine ready for bottling
• Filtering in order to clarify wine
• Fining done with White wine
egg whites capture solids
• White/Rose often consumed
within 2-3 years (exceptions -
Chardonnay, Sauvignon blanc,
• Reds often aged before
• Controversy to fine Reds
• red wine is often opaque,
especially in thick skin
grapes (Cabernet, Merlot)
• many feel it will remove
texture & structure
Types of bottles
• Bordeaux - shoulders
• Burgandy - slopped sides
• Rhine (hock) - tapered
• Others – bocksbeutel
• Specialty bottles
• Champagne - thick glass/special
• Dessert wines - sweet often in
• Fortified wines - Port

Colors of glass
• Glass colors varies
• White/Rose’ wines in clear, light
green, yellow green, blue
• Reds in dark green, brown
• Important to shield from the light
• Why is there a Punt at the
bottom of the bottle?
• Necessary when they were hand
• Traps the sediment
• Provides a more stable base
• No need - some bottles have no punt
Types of closures
• Cork
• industry standard BUT
• decreased supply of cork trees
from Portugal - increased cost
• composite cork often used
• cork taint from low quality cork
• oxidized wine from cork failure
• Synthetic cork
• seems to not have any issues
• Twist top - screw cap
• primarily used for whites/rose
that are consumed young, fruit
• Also now for reds - important to
keep oxygen out of the bottle
Cork plug
How do you know a bottle
has been oxidized?
• White wines take on deeper yellow color
• Red wines take on brownish color
• Can smell volatile acidity (acetone) – VA
• Cork taint - dirty socks/wet dog smell
• Cork tree pesticides or chlorine bleach
residue (so now use peroxide)
• Corky mildew – TCA trichloroanisole fungi
+ chlorophenol compounds
• Wine can taste like vinegar (acetic acid)

Life is too short to drink bad wine!
• Foil placed around top of bottle
• Helps to keep cork sealed
• Color is choice of winemaker
Wine Labels
• Label placed on bottle is winemakers choice as
to design BUT some mandatory requirements:
• Must get approval from ATF
• Vintage Date - Year grapes were picked
• Name of the winery/contact information
• Name of the wine varietal
• Pure varietal - must be 80% by volume
to be labeled as such
• Blended wine – nice to state blend
• Can also make up name of wine
• Estate Bottled – grapes from winery
• Reserve designation – extra aging occurs
• Net Content – 750 ml
Wine Labels
• Any oak information – kind, length,
• Appellation of Origin - AVA
• Vineyard designation (always nice)
• Mission statement / statement about
the wine or winemaker
• Percentage of residual sugar
• Percentage of alcohol
• Government Warning requirement
• Declaration of sulfites if over a
certain percent
Wine Tasting Event
• Showcase their selection of
wines to the public
• Need to assure no strong aromas in
the area – cigars, strong perfume

• Before YOU go wine tasting
• Assure you have eaten recently
• Assure you keep hydrated
• Cleanse pallet between wines with
a cracker or sip of water
• Many offer tasting notes
• Information on their wine
• Rule of thumb for serving
• White before Rose’
• Rose’ before Red
• Dry before sweet
• Softer before more tannic
Wine Tasting Event
Temperature of Wine
Correct temperature enhances
the flavor of wine
Wine cellar for long term
storage 60 degrees
Temperature of wine
• Before serving
• Whites and Rose’ often
chilled (35-40 degrees)
• Reds served at room
temperature (55-65
• OK to slightly chill light
bodied reds before serving
• Store all bottles
• horizontal or up side
down position so oxygen
does not get into the bottle
Opening the bottle of wine
• Use foil cutter to remove
foil over the cork
• Use wine key to remove
• Winged cork screw
• Ah -So cork puller
• Waiters cork screw
• Rabbit - easiest

Saving the bottle of wine
• Wine diamonds
• crystals of tartaric acid (tartrates)
• seen on bottom of cork
• does not affect the quality of the
wine (cold stabilization)
•Any unconsumed wine

Does that exist?!?!
• Can use fancy stopper
• Best to use vacuum sealer
• Removes oxygen from the bottle
• Store white wine in refrigerator
Wine glass selection
• Many to chose from
• Stemmed / glass
• Stemless / plastic
• Riedel
• Cadillac of wine glasses
• hand blown
• thin glass
• shape is important
• White/Rose
• Riesling glass
• Reds
• Pinot glass
• Bordeaux glass
• Balloon glass
Pouring the wine
into the glass
• For all wine
• Host fills his glass first to
remove any cork peices
• Tilt the glass and pour
wine down the side
• Fill only ¼ cup if tasting
• Fill glass half full if
drinking (need room to
• For Red
• Allow bottle to “breathe”
• Pour gently as to not
disturb any sediment
• Pour through aerator or
decant into another vessel
The Actual Wine tasting
The 5 S's
1. See
color and clarity
• Tilt the glass over a
white background
• Look at core of the
glass and note color and
• Look at rim of the glass
and note color
• Note opacity
• can you read text
through the core?

1. young cabernet, 2. old cabernet/merlot 3. young merlot 4. young syrah, 5. young pinot noir, 6. old pinot noir
The Actual Wine tasting
The 5 S's
2. Swirl
• Place glass on flat
• Move glass in circular
• Causes aromas to be
• Can see the sheets or
legs of glycerol that run
down the glass
The Actual Wine tasting
The 5 S's
3. Sniff
• hold glass in the middle of
your chest / smell
• very aromatic wine
• hold glass at your chin
• moderately aromatic
• put nose inside of glass
• neutral or muted
• note what you smell
• fruits, citrus, stone fruits,
blackberry, green pepper,
leather, etc
• LeNez Du Vin set
• 54 wine aromas for students
The Actual Wine tasting
The 5 S's
4. Sip
• Take about a tablespoon - roll it
around on your tongue
• 1st sip - cleanse the pallet only -
don't judge the wine at this point
• 2nd sip - note the reaction on your
• sweet at tip – residual sugar
• sour on sides - acidity
• bitter at the back - tannins
• mouth feel - texture - viscosity (skim
milk, whole milk, cream)
• it is light, medium or full bodied
• thermo reaction - warmth is from
increased alcohol
The Actual Wine tasting
The 5 S's
5. Savor

Judge the quality of the wine
• Balance - the relationship between
fruit, acid, residual sugar, alcohol
and tannin(velvety/drying sensation)
• No one of these components
should stand out significantly from
the rest
• Finish
• how long flavor lasts
• how did it leave your mouth
• Complexity - layers of flavor
• Long list of descriptors
• In the end taste is very personal
Wine is considered a food
• Wine is best paired with food
• Basic idea
• Whites with fish
• Reds with meat
• But Much More!
• Pairing charts available
• Wine is best enjoyed with
family and friends
The Joys of drinking a Good glass of wine!
• Any Questions?
Thank You
It’s Wine o’clock