Autistalline Sensory Overload Glasses For Autism Block EMS Frequencies For Improved Focus

Autistalline Sensory Overload Glasses For Autism Block EMS Frequencies For Improved Focus , updated 12/20/21, 12:01 AM

Autistalline is the first-ever sensory overload glasses for autism. Our glasses help people with ASD feel calmer and more focused on their tasks. We appreciate all donations to continue our research to help more people live healthy, normal lives. Learn more at

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Focus Improving Autistalline Sensory
Overload Glasses For Autism
Autistalline glasses will be the first-ever sensory
overload glasses that block frequencies within
the electromagnetic spectrum. They will help
people with ASD with their daily lives without the
hindrances of sensory overload – a life that has
been hampered by a hypersensitivity to light and
Current prototype glasses testers
have noticed a dramatic
improvement in their children, as
they become CALMER,
are less prone to meltdowns.
The prototype sensory overload glasses for
autism have shown life-changing results.
Most people on the autism spectrum have
difficulties processing sensory information.
This results in behavioral disturbances such
as anxiety, stress, and anger when faced with
sudden, unpredictable sounds.
These signs of distress are what
experts call part of the “rumble
stage”, which precedes full
meltdowns that can include
tantrums, shouting, and even
When light enters the eye, the
retina translates light energy into
electrical impulses that travel
along two pathways to two
different destinations in the brain.
One pathway, known as the Image-Forming (IF)
tract, creates images and pictures that the brain
interprets as visual data. The other destination
governs non-conscious functions in the body
and is known as the Non-Image-Forming (NIF)
tract. Autistalline work by affecting the NIF tract
of the brain.
Autistalline glasses block frequencies
within the EMS, altering the electrical
impulses that are dispersed in the
brain. The changed electrical signal
triggers a series of brain functions
resulting in several noticeable
It reduces anxiety, the ability
to eat foods that they usually
hate, and being less easily
startled by sudden sounds,
among others.
Shalev, an adult female with ASD
who tested the autistic sensory
overload glasses, said that she
was able to go grocery shopping
for the first time without having a
meltdown inside the store.
She was able to withstand the
temperature differences by the
freezers, deal with the noise, lights,
and people, an experience that
usually leads to a meltdown and
requires for her to be carried out of
the grocery store.
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