Lost Creek, TX Physiotherapist Uses High-Speed Cameras For Running Gait Evaluation

Lost Creek, TX Physiotherapist Uses High-Speed Cameras For Running Gait Evaluation, updated 11/17/22, 9:26 AM

Axiom Physiotherapy (+1-512-808-3904) If you’re nursing injuries like shin splints and plantar fasciitis, book a running form analysis at Axiom Physiotherapy which serves Lost Creek, TX and surrounding areas. Learn more by visiting https://axiompt.com/

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Lost Creek Physiotherapist Uses High-Speed
Cameras For Running Gait Evaluation
What you don’t see or know can
hurt you. For instance, poor running
form can cause a host of problems.
That’s why Axiom Physiotherapy
offers a comprehensive analysis so
you can run like a pro.
The evaluation aims to correct your form
so you can prevent injuries and optimize
your finish times. High-speed cameras
are used to take rear and side view
footage at 120 frames per second,
revealing issues not readily visible to the
naked eye. 
Taking advantage of this
assessment can help you address
issues such as runner’s knee, shin
splints, and plantar fasciitis. During
the session, the staff will provide
real-time feedback on how to
improve your form.
Furthermore, you will receive
a written report with a frame-
by-frame analysis 24 hours
after the evaluation.
Running is a popular fitness
activity because of its
relatively low barrier to
In fact, Livestrong reports
that about 50 million
Americans regularly run,
representing 15% of the
However, you may not be
aware of proper running form,
which adds undue stress to
your joints, muscles, and
ligaments, potentially leading to
By employing science-
backed techniques, Axiom
Physiotherapy can detect
and address these often
unseen problems. 
Before the analysis, physical
therapists will review your
shoe selection, running
mileage, and injury history. 
During the session, all
aspects of your running form
— including stride length and
foot strike — will be