New Book for Christian Men Who Want to Better Understand the Bible and Its Power

New Book for Christian Men Who Want to Better Understand the Bible and Its Power, updated 11/1/21, 7:36 PM

Patrick Sipperly's book, “A Man of the Word”, is available on, Goodreads, and other major book outlets. It's a study book for men who want to better understand the Bible. Visit the blog:

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New Book for Christian
Men Who Want to Better
Understand the Bible and
Its Power
Bible teacher and entrepreneur Patrick Sipperly has just
launched his brand new book, "A Man of the Word".
The book is available on, Goodreads, and other
major book outlets and is expected to
become a big hit with Christian men
who want a deeper understanding of
the word of God.
More information on the book can be found here: Men's Bible
Study Book Blog This is Patrick Sipperly's fourth book.
His others include a book of short
stories co-authored with Linda
Boulanger, an internet marketing
book, and a Christian Fiction novel
called Parting Ways.
This new book, A Man of the Word, was written to help
Christian men deepen their understanding and skill in the
word of God.
For men who want to become, as
Paul wrote to Timothy, "..a
workman who needeth not to be
ashamed, rightly dividing the word
of truth".
There's also particular excitement about this book because it will
unlock the power of the scriptures that are hidden in plain sight.
Readers are sure to enjoy the
number of actual scriptures
referenced and included in the
When asked why this book and why now, Sipperly said:
"There are very few books in the marketplace today that
focus on the scriptures.
Most are filled with
commentary and opinion, with
a scripture or two thrown in.
We're living the last days and if there was ever a time, ever a
generation that needs the pure word of God it's now.
We need the light of the word
of God - not man's word.
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