Funk Art Exhibition at John Natsoulas Gallery: September 7 to January 7

Funk Art Exhibition at John Natsoulas Gallery: September 7 to January 7, updated 10/3/22, 7:01 AM


Come visit the John Natsoulas Gallery for the very exciting opportunity to see historic artwork that truly captures the energy and absurdism of the Funk Movement.

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"California Funk to Figuration: A New
Narrative Mythology" Exhibition
Join us from September 7, 2022
to January 7, 2023 at the John
Natsoulas Gallery in Davis,
California for this captivating
exhibition all about Funk Art!
This exhibition will feature
works by the incredible men
and women who shaped the
Funk Movement in the 1960s
and the 1970s.
Through their artworks,
including painting, sculpture,
and works on paper, Funk
artists consciously undermine
The colorful works all
playfully address narrative
themes, some more
enigmatic than others.
Funk Art organically emerged in the
1960s in the leading art schools in
California as a rebellious response to
both the restrictiveness of Bay Area
Figurative Art and the nonobjectivity
of Abstract Expressionism.
While Funk Art has continued
to elude a decisive definition,
its hallmark is a significant
degree of absurdity.
Artists famously responded,
"When you see it, you know
it," when asked to describe
the movement.
Those championing the
ridiculousness that is the
fundamental doctrine of Funk are
known for their collaborations and
the impressive followings that
they inspired among their
The Funk Movement is often
categorized as a West Coast art
style, but this show will bring
together artists from California
and the other major center of the
style- Chicago.
Come visit the John Natsoulas
Gallery for the very exciting
opportunity to see historic
artwork that truly captures the
energy and absurdism of the
Funk Movement.
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