Tuscon, AZ: Learn How Integrative Wellness Can Help To Destress Your Holiday Experience

Tuscon, AZ: Learn How Integrative Wellness Can Help To Destress Your Holiday Experience, updated 12/15/21, 4:03 PM

The holidays are upon us. If that makes you feel more fearful than festive, you might need the new guidebook from Bosch Integrative Wellness (520-595-0544), ‘Holiday Memories: The Stress-Free Way.’ Go to https://boschintegrativewellness.com/holiday-memories-the-stress-free-way for more information.

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Integrative Wellness Coach Can Help To
Destress Your Holiday Experience
Remember when
Christmas was about ho-
ho-ho rather than boo-
Read ‘Holiday Memories: The Stress-
Free Way' to discover lots of useful
tips for de-stressing your holiday
season, and a handy worksheet and
checklist that will help you make it a
time of joy and happy memories.  
While holidays are meant to
be a time of relaxation, they
offer a unique set of stressors
that can lead to additional
With its latest release, Bosch
Integrative Wellness aims to
help you understand those
factors so you can make the
holiday season more
The Christmas season, in
particular, is associated
with gift-giving.
Not only can you experience
anxiety when trying to find the
‘perfect’ present, but the strain
on your finances can also make
the period less than enjoyable. 
The guidebook is filled with
actionable tips to de-stress the
holiday festivities including tips to
lessen extended family tensions,
ease holiday travel stress, and
avoid overspending. 
You are shown how to
create actionable plans that
will help you regain control
of this special time.
Company founder Leslie Bosch,
PhD, discovered an integrative
approach to stress management
that made her calmer and more
energized, and better equipped to
cultivate relationships with those
around her.
Dr. Leslie Bosch recently stated: "You
might find yourself feeling all wound up
about the approaching holiday season.
You can successfully create special
experiences and memories during this
time without having to deal with an
overload of stress.”
Click on the link in the
description for more