Let Customers Pay In Crypto Get Paid Dollar For Dollar In USD

Let Customers Pay In Crypto Get Paid Dollar For Dollar In USD, updated 2/8/22, 1:33 AM

Don't miss out on customers because they want to pay with Crypto. NPSCoin lets you accept crypto and pays you in US dollars. Visit https://npscoin.com to learn how to accept crypto from anywhere in the world, with no risk of chargebacks.

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Let Customers Pay In Crypto Get
Dollar For Dollar In USD
As a merchant, the last thing
you want to do is tell a
customer that you can't sell to
them because you can't accept
It's understandable that you
don't want to learn about
blockchain and buying or selling
crypto. With our new system,
you don't have to worry about
With more clients attempting to
make purchases with
cryptocurrency every day, many
merchants have been looking for a
way to accept their tokens, without
having to worry about market
NPSCoin allows you to accept
several different
cryptocurrencies, but you
always receive the same dollar
amount you were paid,
regardless of the markets.
The new system requires no
knowledge of cryptocurrency or
blockchain technology and is
designed to seamlessly integrate
with traditional payment
If your customer makes a
$300 purchase, you receive
$300 USD - no risk of
This new system makes it easy for
any business to accept cryptocurrency
payments online, in-store, or through
invoicing. Makes it easier for cross-
border customers to shop anywhere
they choose, and there are never any
Transactions are instantly
settled and your money is
transferred to your account
within 24-48 hours.
NPSCoin is simple to integrate
into your sales websites and can
be used to allow payment with
popular cryptocurrencies,
including $Bitcoin, $Litecoin,
and $Ethereum. 
Disclaimer: This information
does not constitute
investment advice or any
other kind of advice.
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