Best Sport Injury Clinic In Lincolnshire Treats Knee Pain & Other Muscle Damage

Best Sport Injury Clinic In Lincolnshire Treats Knee Pain & Other Muscle Damage, updated 7/8/22, 5:41 AM

MSK Doctors (0330-001-0048) is committed to helping residents in Lincolnshire, UK treat their knee pain in the shortest time possible and with the best results. Learn more at

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Best Sport Injury Clinic In Lincolnshire
Treats Knee Pain & Other Muscle
We’re MSK Doctors and we’re known for our sports injury clinic
that uses state-of-the-art technologies and techniques. 
Led by Professor Paul Lee, our approach to
sports injury reduces recovery time, increases
strength for return to pre-injury activity, and
reduces the chances of re-injury. 
The techniques have been
developed over the last 15 years in
France and Australia using cutting-
edge technology. 
Professor Lee developed
these techniques after
spending several years
working with some of the UK’s
premiership footballers. 
He observed gaps in traditional
sports injury treatments, especially
around small grafts, and developed
outside-the-box methods to
overcome these common issues. 
Today, and with a published
track record, Professor Lee is
regarded as an expert in sports
medicine and has regular contact
with elite sports teams.
As our lead orthopaedic
consultant, he can
immediately determine what
treatment is the most ideal for
the specific injury.
Learn more at