Get A Free Consultation On All-On-4 Dental Implants At This Manitoba Denture Clinic

Get A Free Consultation On All-On-4 Dental Implants At This Manitoba Denture Clinic, updated 3/24/23, 1:57 AM

Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Clinic (204-589-6329), in Winnipeg, Manitoba, offers senior denture wearers a restorative solution that looks and functions like real teeth. Eat whatever you want with All-on-4s! Book a free consultation to find out more at

Minuk Digital Denture & Implant Centre 10 Queen Elizabeth Way, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 2R1, Canada Website Email

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Get A Free Consultation On All-On-4
Dental Implants At This Manitoba
Denture Clinic
If you have removable dentures
that drive you up the wall,
maybe it's time you looked into
All-on-4 denture implants at
Minuk Digital Denture &
Implant Centre.
All-on-4 implants are a better-
fitting denture option that
looks and functions just like
real teeth and allows you to
enjoy any array of difficult-to-
chew foods.
All-on-4s rest on four or six
titanium screws implanted into
your jawbone. Full dentures
are then attached, giving you
a high-functioning, natural-
looking smile.
Minuk Digital Denture &
Implant Centre are experts
in this innovative denture
solution designed to help
you speak, eat, and smile
with confidence.
The University of Connecticut
Health Center reports,
"Dentures may be the least
expensive option, but they fall
short of the chewing efficiency
dental implants provide."
And did you know traditional
dentures reduce bite force by
over 95%? After 15 years with
a regular denture, your bite
force can decrease by 99%.
What's left to eat, pudding?
All-on-4s are a permanent, fixed solution that ensures your teeth are held
firmly in place so you can eat a steak with apples and nuts if that's what
you want. Sound like freedom?
Find Out More At