Sam Waterfall's Career Consultancy Offers Detailed Career Transition Scorecard

Sam Waterfall's Career Consultancy Offers Detailed Career Transition Scorecard, updated 11/4/21, 3:29 PM

Thinking about moving careers, but want to make sure the time is right? Complete the Career Transition Scorecard by Obvious Candidate for a comprehensive analysis of your readiness for this change. More details at:

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Sam Waterfall's Career
Consultancy Offers
Detailed Career
Transition Scorecard
Want career advice from an accomplished business
brain? Read on.
The scorecard tests your
preparation for career transition
through 33 questions spread
over 6 categories.
The questions cover your job search methods, career direction clarity,
resume impact, professional networking, LinkedIn Optimisation, interview
success preparation, and offer negotiation.
With the launch of the scorecard, you
have access to the mind and methods
of an accomplished businessperson to
aid you in determining if the time is right
for a career transition.
Career transitions can be life-changing and nerve-
wracking affairs.
But there's help out there! Sam Waterfall's
modern, dynamic approach towards
career transition is exemplified by the
emphasis he puts on LinkedIn, which he
understands to be an essential component
of attractive job candidacy.
The direct email sent to you when you complete the Career Transition
Scorecard will include in-depth and varied information on how to optimise
and speed up your career moves.
Obvious Candidate is the
project of Sam Waterfall, an
executive career consultant.
Since 2004, Sam has been assisting his clients in finding their
ideal jobs and earning salary increases of amounts that they
previously thought impossible.
His experience includes being a co-
founder and marketing director of
ProBLife, a senior consultant at HMT,
a member of the Board of Trustees of
Missing People, and a Tedx Speaker.
When speaking about his services, Sam said:
“What makes me different from the other career
coaches is that I'm in business too. I don't just
coach and leave you to it. I'm in the thick of it, just
like you. Grafting. Stressing. Perfecting.
Succeeding. And, yes, failing too. I understand the
pain of it.”
More details at: