Tips To Treat Yeast Infections Provided By Dog Health Resource My Best Bark

Tips To Treat Yeast Infections Provided By Dog Health Resource My Best Bark, updated 7/24/21, 10:38 AM

My Best Bark, an online resource for dog owners, has released an educational report discussing the causes, common symptoms, and recommended treatments for yeast infections in dogs. Go to for more details.

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Tips To Treat Yeast Infections Provided By
Dog Health Resource My Best Bark
Is your dog suffering from a
yeast infection? My Best
Bark's informative report can
help you!
The online platform with helpful
pet resources has released a
report discussing causes,
symptoms and treatments for
canine yeast infections.
Yeast is a naturally occurring
fungus that can be desirable
and healthy. However, an
excessive amount of yeast
can lead to infections.
The report explains that the medical
name for a yeast infection is
malassezia dermatitis, and it can
occur in dogs of any sex, age, or
breed. That being said, breeds with
wrinkly skin or large drooping ears
are more at risk.
Yeast infections are generally
caused by allergies, immune system
deficiencies, and oily skin. They
cause considerable irritation, and
you may catch your dog biting or
scratching the affected area.
Infections can occur in the mouth,
ears, nose, intestines, and urinary
tract. Depending on the body part,
symptoms may include red scaly
skin, head tilting, poor appetite,
malodorous urine, and drowsiness.
According to the report, skin
infections are typically treated with
anti-fungal and medicated
shampoos. Mouth, inner ear,
urinary tract, and other internal
infections require oral medicine or
You can help speed up the healing
process by cleaning infected areas
daily. You can try to prevent future
outbreaks by regularly checking
your dogs' ears, skin and mouth,
and feeding them a nutritious diet.
My Best Bark is an online
resource for dog owners that
contains informational articles,
helpful product reviews,
uplifting tales, and cute dog
Yeast infections can be confused
with other conditions, but My Best
Bark can help you understand
what symptoms to look for. Check
out the website for a variety of
helpful health tips.
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