Bellevue, WA Stem Cell And PRP Treatments Cure Common Orthopedic Conditions

Bellevue, WA Stem Cell And PRP Treatments Cure Common Orthopedic Conditions, updated 2/1/22, 9:26 PM

Interventional Orthopedics of Washington offers innovative non-surgical regenerative therapies you need - call them at +1-425-326-1665 or visit to find out more!

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Bellevue, WA
Regenerative PRP
Treatments Alleviate
Common Orthopedic
Do you need knee replacement surgery? Get a second opinion
from Interventional Orthopedics of Washington and try their
non-surgical regenerative therapies.
The clinic's new service range
includes platelet-rich plasma,
bone marrow concentrate cellular
therapy, prolotherapy, and more.
The treatments can speed up joint injury repair, reduce
inflammation, and eliminate chronic pain.
The treatments use your blood
and stem cells to effectively
rebuild your damaged soft
The regenerative therapies offer you lower risk and lower
cost options and let you recover faster as compared to
getting surgery.
They also help eliminate long-
term medication use and
steroid injections.
The clinic's founder, interventional orthopedic specialist Dr. Otono Silva,
focuses on identifying the root cause of your condition instead of just
treating its symptoms.
The clinic offers image-guided
regenerative injection therapies such
as prolotherapy, PRP, and BMC
cellular therapy to address your most
common musculoskeletal issues.
Platelet-rich plasma therapy makes use of concentrated blood
platelets that optimize natural growth factors to accelerate the healing
of damaged tendons, ligaments, muscles, joints, and the spine.
Bone marrow concentrate
cellular therapy involves
extracting a small amount of
bone marrow from your hip. 
The nucleated cells and stem cells from the marrow are isolated, concentrated, and
injected into the site of your injury. This can help restore cartilage, bone, and soft
tissue, and can alleviate pain and salvage your mobility.
You can also benefit from prolotherapy which
stimulates soft tissue healing by creating an
acute stress reaction in the area of your injury.
This reaction causes a mild inflammatory
response that stimulates your body to heal
Visit to find out more.