Cost-Effective Maskless Photolithography Machine Offers Savings To Research Laboratories

Cost-Effective Maskless Photolithography Machine Offers Savings To Research Laboratories, updated 7/21/22, 8:01 PM

MIDALIX Maskless Lithography Systems (MIDALIX) made headlines when it introduced an ultra-portable yet powerful maskless lithography device to the scientific community. If you want to know how it could benefit your research, visit

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Cost-Effective Maskless Photolithography Machine
Offers Savings To Research Labs
Is it possible to adopt maskless lithography technology
without a massive outlay? 
MIDALIX set out to answer that question, and the
result is one if not the most portable maskless
lithography devices in existence: DaLI. 
This cutting-edge table-top system works on all
standard types of photoresists and can create
microstructures even on irregular substrates.
The creation of DaLi is a boon to your
R&D operation, as it allows for rapid
product development without the need
to create new photomasks. 
 This eliminates delays and can
greatly increase your cost
Da-LI combines acousto-optic deflectors, thermal stabilization, and
sophisticated software algorithms to guide a UV laser to illuminate patterns
with nanometer precision. 
This level of precision makes DaLI
perfect for scientific processes
involved in complex structures, like
grayscale lithography. 
Furthermore, the device is easy to use,
thanks to an intuitive software that can
be used on any desktop. 
Even when not connected to the device, this software, which features a
built-in CAD library, allows you to design or modify patterns, making the
prototyping process more flexible. 
MIDALIX is confident of the value of DaLI
to a number of other scientific fields,
including material science, biophysics,
micro-electromechanical systems, and
So if you’re involved in any of
these, now’s a good time to
schedule a demo. 
Learn more at