Benefits of Hiring a Personal Trainer

Benefits of Hiring a Personal Trainer, updated 8/14/22, 5:17 PM

Benefits of Working with a Personal Trainer

What is a personal trainer and what benefits could you gain from hiring a personal trainer?  At fitandhappy we offer personal training for women and online personal training.

About fitandhappy

Fun and supportive fitness coaching for women in Edinburgh.

fitandhappy offers outdoor boot camps and personal training. Their female personal trainers will encourage and support you to meet your fitness goals.

If you are not local to Edinburgh, you may choose their online personal training service. 

They also run self defence classes, running classes, low impact classes and wellbeing coaching workshops.

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You’ve decided you want to get fitter or lose weight. But where do you start?
There are so many options available. From the gym to running and boot
camp to yoga, the fitness world is yours to explore. There are benefits and
downsides to all and a lot of it comes down to what you enjoy. If you struggle
to stick to your exercise regime or you have a specific goal in mind personal
training might be the way to go. A good Personal Trainer will help you reach
your goals.

What is a Personal Trainer?
A personal trainer is an individual trained and certified to coach individuals to
become fitter and healthier. You should ask a personal trainer about their
qualifications before hiring them. The industry is not regulated and anybody
can call themselves a personal trainer. If you want to make sure, ask them if
they are registered with REPS or CIMSPA, both will only register individuals
with recognised qualifications. Look for someone who has a minimum
qualification of Level 3 Personal Training. If you are after weight loss an
additional nutrition qualification would be useful and if you have an underlying
health condition lookout for an Exercise Referral qualification.

Top 6 Benefits of Working With A Personal
1. Setting and Achieving a Goal
Before you begin working with a personal trainer you will need to decide
your goal. Do you want help to lose weight? Do you want to feel fitter or
perhaps train to be able to run a marathon? A personal trainer will
create an exercise and nutrition plan that will ensure you meet your
specific goal. Without a personal trainer, it is easier to let your exercise
plan fall by the wayside, to work less hard when you are a little tired, or
even just give up on your goal. A good Personal Trainer has extensive
knowledge of goal setting (and achieving!) as well as habit creation.

2. Motivation and Accountability
You could decide to get fitter by going for a run or to the gym every
second day and if you are highly motivated that may work. However,
what happens if it’s raining and you don’t feel like going out or after a
couple of weeks you decide you aren’t really improving or get a bit tired
so have a day off? If you have a personal trainer session booked you are
more likely to attend on a regular basis. Your trainer will then motivate
you to keep going when you get tired or are feeling like you are not
improving as much as you would like.

3. Results
Not only will a personal trainer know how to create sessions that will
meet your goals but they will make sure you are constantly improving by
increasing the difficulty or intensity of your workouts. A common pitfall
of training by yourself or attending group classes is that your body
adapts to the exercises and you stop improving. You need to keep
challenging your body in new ways or you will stop seeing results.
Personal trainers have been trained to encourage and support you
whilst pushing you a little bit harder each session.

4. Training Where and When It Suits You Best
Working with a personal trainer means you can book in your sessions at
a time that suits you best and when you feel most like exercising. You
may love a local fitness class but it if runs at 5:30pm and you can only
make it every few weeks then you will not get the benefit you wish.
Don’t like the gym? No problem, there are lots of personal trainers who
train their clients outdoors or even visit them in their homes. Since
COVID-19, we have discovered many of our clients prefer to train at
home so we now offer an Online Personal Training service.

5. Variation
Not only will a personal trainer create an exercise plan to suit your level
of fitness and goals but they will change the exercises regularly so that
you don’t get bored. Most great personal trainers will be up to date with
the latest science on fitness and training and will be able to show you
new exercise techniques and ensure each session they work with you is
full of variety.

6. Personal Tuition
There are many benefits of joining an exercise class but the one thing it
can’t give you is 1:1 tuition for the full duration of the class. By hiring a
personal trainer, you will have their full attention for the whole session
which means you will never be doing exercises incorrectly. Every
position and move will be done with the correct posture. Having a
personal trainer can be especially beneficial if you are returning to
exercise from an injury or have never done much exercise before.

At fitandhappy all our personal trainers are highly qualified women who feel
passionate about helping our clients meet their fitness and health goals. For us
it’s not just about fitness or weight loss; we look at the bigger picture of health.
Our clients report that besides losing weight they have more energy, become
happier, and feel more confident.

Please get in touch to discuss your requirements or to book your 1 hour free
personal training consultation.