West Orange: Ecco Bella's Plant-Based Cosmetics Help Support The Local Ecosystem

West Orange: Ecco Bella's Plant-Based Cosmetics Help Support The Local Ecosystem, updated 9/20/22, 7:41 AM

Read all about how vegan beauty brand Ecco Bella is taking its environmental responsibilities to the next level through its in-house pollinator garden in West Orange, NJ. More details at https://blog.eccobella.com/ecco-bellas-in-house-pollinator-garden-is-listed-on-the-home-grown-national-park-map

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West Orange: Ecco Bella's Plant-Based
Cosmetics Help Support The Local
Ecco Bella has developed a range of vegan-friendly, plant-
based beauty products and consumables but its passion for
environmental causes doesn't stop there.
The company runs its own in-
house pollinator garden and it's
just been added to the
Homegrown National Park
map of private biodiversity
growing centers.
The move reflects Ecco Bella's
commitment to sustainability, the
preservation of native species,
and its significant contribution to
the fight against climate change.
The pollinator garden
originated in 2017 with
some 3000 seedlings
and 100 varieties of
The project produces an excess of
native shrubs, flowers, and native
plants which are auctioned off to
local residents in support of the
environmental group Our Green
West Orange.
A rich bed of pollinator plants such as milkweed, rattlesnake
master, great blue lobelia, and golden rod attract bees,
butterflies, and hummingbirds,
Go to https://blog.eccobella.com/ecco-bellas-in-house-
park-map for more details.
You can make a difference by supporting
Ecco Bella beauty & wellness products.