What's Your Entrepreneur Type? This Free Quiz Tells You What Business To Start

What's Your Entrepreneur Type? This Free Quiz Tells You What Business To Start, updated 10/14/21, 7:27 PM

Ryan Levesque, #1 Best-Selling Author, Inc. 500 CEO of The ASK Method, is launching a complementary business building quiz that aspiring entrepreneurs can take to understand which markets and business ideas are worth pursuing. Learn more at https://startbusiness.takequiz.net

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What's Your Entrepreneur Type? This Free
Quiz Tells You What Business To Start
It was Henry Ford who said
“If I had asked people what
they want, they would have
said 'faster horses'.”
This is the idea behind The Ask Method, a
business development technique that uses
psychology and neuroscience to help aspiring
entrepreneurs figure out their business style,
what type of enterprise they should start, and
ensures their idea fits the needs of today’s
Studies show that 90% of
today’s billionaires are
With the launch of the Ask Method
Company’s "Start Your Own
Business" quiz, you can begin
evaluating your ideas based on
profitability, scalability, and lifestyle
fit to ensure success down the line.
It's important to assess your
business idea to prevent you from
entering a saturated market that
offers slim if any profit margins, in-
market prospects, or the opportunity
to entrench repeat customers
This free quiz helps you start
a profitable business in a
segment that needs what
you're selling.
According to Levesque, many
people dream of starting their
own business, but few know
where to begin or what kind of
business to pursue.
This is what led Levesque to create a
quiz that helps hone goals and
interests to reveal your entrepreneur
type, what type of product you should
sell and, based on resources and
lifestyle, what type of business model
you should adopt.
A recent quiz-taker says, “Loved the results of
my quiz. I am an OBMF entrepreneur type,
which confirmed my love for growing new ideas
and that I thrive best in communities. Know this
result is so insightful because now I can shift
my focus to my Zone of Genius, which is
carefully curating that pass
Ready to live the life
you've always dreamed
Click on
quiz.net to find out more.