Eye Strain Relief: How to Reduce Eye Pain Now

Eye Strain Relief: How to Reduce Eye Pain Now, updated 7/23/22, 12:02 AM


Eye Strain is becoming an increasingly common problem with the use of computer screens by most people on a daily basis. Find out how to combat the effects of eye strain with Eyes Now.

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Eye Strain Relief: How to Reduce
Eye Pain Now
Weariness of the eyes can be
brought on by reading or
spending too much time
staring at a computer screen
and many other causes.
It affects most of us but
continue reading to find out
more about eye strain relief.
There are several reasons
for eye strain besides
underlying diseases.
Examples include spending too
much time in front of a screen,
driving too much, having
terrible eyeglasses, being very
tired, or sleeping too little.
Making adjustments to your daily
routine or environment is the
typical course of treatment for eye
strain. Some individuals might
require care for an underlying eye
Some people find relief from
eye strain from wearing glasses
that are prescribed for
particular tasks, including
computer use or reading.
Take periodic breaks when
working up close, and rest
your eyes by turning your
head away from the
computer screen.
Redness-relieving eye
drops should be avoided
since they may make the
symptoms of dry eyes
Eye strain is frequently
caused by computer use.
Don't forget to blink often
and give your eyes an
occasional rest!
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