Dyslexia: Enable the Different Learner

Dyslexia: Enable the Different Learner, updated 9/5/21, 9:55 PM

Sue Blyth Hall is a Tedx Speaker and her talk is aimed primarily at Educators/Parents/Teachers. The talk is available for viewing in full at https://youtu.be/cPX-RYBkCow. The author shifts the so-called learning disability from the student to its rightful place in the education system.

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Dyslexia: Enable the Different
Sue Blyth Hall is the author of Fish Don't Climb Trees: A Whole New Look at
Dyslexia - Understanding and Overcoming the Challenges - Enjoying the Gift
She is the founder of The Whole Dyslexic Society
The message in her Tedx Talk and her book is that
Everyone is Learning-Able IF they are enabled to learn
in the way they were born to learn.
She has seen too many children entering school with a
learning difference and leaving with a learning disability
label... but they are learning able!
Sue hopes that shedding light on the
problem will encourage the education
system to seek a solution and make
'small but far reaching' changes
which in turn will ensure every child
entering school will have a
Cognitive Equal Opportunity - its
their right.
Sue invites you to be part of the shift in our approach to... Everyone is
learning able, IF they are enabled to learn in the way they were born to
No more early intervention, testing,
segregating, loss of self esteem,
doing more of what didn't work the
first time!
Simple to learn strategies exist which can
be delivered to the whole class from day
one, enabling every learner.
Sue invitesyou to join her at THE WHOLE DYSLEXIC SOCIETY
www.thewds.org and become part of this overdue change. Thank
you !
Sue's Tedx Talk 'Dyslexia: Enable
the Different Learner' is at
Fish Don't Climb Trees is
available from Friesens Press
Let's enable everyone
to fulfill their potential