Using Custom Tags on edocr

Using Custom Tags on edocr, updated 7/26/22, 10:34 PM

collectionsBlog Posts

edocr blog post discussing custom tags. #hashtags

About edocr

I am an accomplished content marketing professional helping you to build your brand and business. In my current role, I fulfill a multi-faceted solution marketplace including: publishing and sharing your content, embedding a document viewer on your website, improving your content’s search engine optimization, generating leads with gated content and earning money by selling your documents. I gobble up documents, storing them for safekeeping and releasing the text for excellent search engine optimization, lead generation and earned income. 

Publishing documents on is a proven way to start demand generation for your products and services. Thousands of professionals and businesses publish marketing, sales, operations, customer service and financial documents making it easier for prospects and customers to find content, helping them to make informed decisions.

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Tag Cloud

Using Custom Tags on edocr
Having lots of great content is a wonderful thing. But it is even more
wonderful if your content can be organized in a way to be easily found.
By now you should know that edocr extracts all of the text in submitted
documents and for our Premium, Charity and Educational users we
submit that text to be indexed by search engines. We also create a word
cloud of the most used words in every document, which also adds to
the richness of search engine optimization. And now we allow you to
add your own tags (# hashtags) to your documents, for custom grouping
and searching for documents. These Custom Tags are submitted to our
site map to further enrich your SEO optimization.
Note: This is for Premium Level Accounts Only!
Importantly, edocr is moving toward more useful control of the
documents stored or linked to on our platform (we collate documents
stored on other cloud storage platforms). We know most of our
customers want their documents easily discovered via web searches,
but we also have users that make all of their documents private, and
they want to be able to find specific documents based on Collections,
key-words, and now tags. But, the need to manage and secure the
escalating volume of electronic documents (spreadsheets,
word-processing documents, PDFs, e-mails) generated in organizations
is an ever growing issue, and edocr is able to solve this inexpensively for
small businesses, organizations and departments. So, by edocr allowing
searching of only your own profile you now have a very powerful
Document Management System for very little cost. (more details on this
soon). Imagine storing hundreds of documents in various folder
collections on edocr with the ability to search and find the document
you want in seconds. Documents that are securely stored and
automatically backed-up. Think edocr, because we are almost there!
Below are some screen grabs demonstrating how to use custom tags.
First, you will find the Custom Tag interface under Viewer Options when
you create or edit a document. Notice the hashtag designating the
Custom Tag field, where for demonstration we typed 'blog':
You may enter up to five custom tags, separated by a comma, and when
you hit 'Enter' your selection is added and noted above the field:
So, this screen grab shows a share with the auto-generated word cloud
from the text in the document:
Then, we edited this document to add some custom tags. It is not hard
to see which are the custom tags we added (hint, we made the Custom
Tags a different color):
Click on an auto generated text word cloud orange tag and you end up
with a edocr-wide search results of that tag as a list of documents. Click
on the green Custom Tag and the edocr-wide search results (we will
discuss 'Profile only search' at a later date) are presented as a collection
of thumbnails representing an associated document, such as:
Each Custom Tag is, in fact, available as a collection of 'tagged'
documents, so if you type you end up with:
And, if you wish to follow a Custom Tag, just 'click' Follow under the
Collect Name and be notified when someone adds a new document
with that Custom Tag.
As always, thank you for your use of edocr. Please let us know if you
have questions, comments or suggestions via our Help Center.