Lot-48.com matches New York City residents with accessible local storage units.

Lot-48.com matches New York City residents with accessible local storage units., updated 10/16/21, 6:38 PM


Urban apartment dwellers often inhabit tiny spaces. With little space for possessions, it is difficult to enjoy pets, hobbies, and outdoor activities. Lot 48 matches NYC residents with nearby storage units serving as walk-in closets.

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Lot-48.com matches New York City residents
with accessible local storage units.
As an apartment dweller in New
York City, especially in
Manhattan and Brooklyn, you
may live in a small apartment,
measuring between 400 and 700
square feet.
Lot 48 offers a solution to
everyday storage problems
in your small NYC
Even with restraint,
storage space may be a
dilemma for you.
During the pandemic shutdown
of 2020, most New York
apartment dwellers began
cooking more, often using air
fryers and other countertop
The kitchen in your small
apartment may be a typical
gallery or kitchenette size,
often no more than 70 square
Most storage facilities are
designed for possessions to
be stored without easy,
frequent access.
Not many of these storage
facilities lend themselves to
stopping by for beach or golf
equipment needed for a
weekend day trip.
Simply speaking, you may
need convenient storage
extensions to your
You may need storage closets you
can easily access to retrieve items
you use occasionally for special
occasions and to rotate seasonal
items between your apartment and
a nearby neighborhood storage
Lot 48 announces new
convenient and accessible
neighborhood storage units
in Manhattan and Brooklyn.
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