Effective SGB Injections For Complex PTSD In San Francisco Bay Area: Trusted Local Clinic

Effective SGB Injections For Complex PTSD In San Francisco Bay Area: Trusted Local Clinic, updated 9/19/23, 4:10 AM

If you suffer from PTSD in the San Francisco Bay Area, Soft Reboot Wellness (+1 650-419-3330) offers SGB injections that can help to reset your fight-or-flight response. Go to https://softrebootwellness.com/stellate-ganglion-block-treatments/ for more information.

Soft Reboot Wellness City: Menlo Park Address: 825 Oak Grove Ave Website https://www.softrebootwellness.com/ Phone +1-650-419-3330 Email hello@softrebootwellness.com

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Effective SGB Injections For Complex PTSD In San
Francisco: Trusted Local Clinic
PTSD is not some vague catch-all condition. There is
a growing body of science around what’s happening in
your nervous system and, more importantly, how to
address it.
One of the most promising
techniques is stellate ganglion
block (SGB), and Soft Reboot
Wellness is a leading center of
expertise in the wider San
Francisco Bay Area.
So, let’s get the science bit out
of the way. The stellate ganglion
is a cluster of nerves in your
neck that’s involved in
regulating your fight-or-flight
When you suffer from PTSD, that switch
gets stuck in the ‘on’ position, so you’re in
permanent fight-or-flight mode. SGB
injections act to reset your system.
Soft Reboot Wellness is one of the
leading providers of SBG treatments in
the San Francisco Bay Area, and they
also specialize in IV ketamine therapy.
All programs are developed and
administered by Dr. Sara Herman,
a board-certified cardiac
anesthesiologist, and a graduate
of both Harvard Medical School
and Columbia University.
SGB and IV ketamine infusions offer new hope if
you suffer from mental health difficulties, and Soft
Reboot Wellness is a leading light in the San
Francisco Bay Area.
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