The extraordinary powers of water (including for weight release!)

The extraordinary powers of water (including for weight release!), updated 11/25/22, 5:41 AM

Water can help you in your journey of reducing weight, but did you know that you can program your Water to workout for you! Yes you got that right! With Turbo charged Water, you can communicate your goal of weight reduction to your water!

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Let Water create
magic in your
weight reduction
Water is a great help in one’s journey of reducing weight. And it’s not about the amount of
water one should drink each day, although that is also important, but something even
more important is the way one can program Water to workout for each individual! Yes
that’s right! .
It is even said that the quality of water in our bodies
is directly proportional to our quality of life! While
there are countless studies and scientific proof to
prove this, what I have found is that along with how
clean and clear the water is, the vibrational
frequency of water is important too!
What do we mean by frequency of water? How can it help? A reflecting surface like
a Mirror or a glass, if noticed closely, reflects what is in front of it, nothing more,
nothing less. Understand water as doing just that!
Water absorbs the emotions, thoughts, and
words one speaks and reflects it in the body
when people drink it! The speech and words in
language carry vibrational energy and these
vibrations are absorbed by water thereby
impacting the vibrations of water too.
Dr. Emoto, a renowned Japanese Scientist is known to bring this
revolutionary idea backed by scientific research was focused on how water
has a change in molecular structures when exposed to thoughts, affirmations,
emotions, etc.
Water exposed to positive, pleasant words like, ‘I love
you’, ‘Thankyou’ , it surprisingly led to aesthetically
pleasing formations on the molecular structure of
water. However, when exposed to negative, fearful
words viz ‘I hate you’, the molecular formations were
disfigured or disconnected.
With this, it brings one to question that if water can have such transforming
changes how much can humans be affected by words, thoughts , emotions and
statements, with the world and human bodies made up of 70% water.
If such is the effect on water itself,
imagine the enormous benefits it would
have on us if we used the right words
for weight release and let Water
workout for us!
The method of Turbo Charged Water by Nidhu B Kapoor can help and she
is the only expert needed to know about if the goal is a flatter belly with a
healthier body, and all of it without any meds, workouts, lifestyle changes,
Take a glass/ bottle of water. In the mouth of the
glass/bottle say: “YES, I am SLIMMER & TRIMMER
NOW! YES, I weigh ___ NOW!” ( your desired
weight) Repeat thrice Against the sides of the
glass/bottle repeat the sentences thrice again. Swirl
the water a bit. Either drink or keep for later.
Nidhu B Kapoor, owner of this technology, says “Words are immediately memorized by the water and the
message absorbed by all cells on drinking!" Neelu B shed 16 kilos/7.7 lb doing this and another
extraordinary workout with words system that is currently making waves all over the world with Nidhu
You can too experience this speedster technology with
the OG owner herself, Nidhu B Kapoor! Join the call on
the Flatter Belly with Words Masterclass on 23rd
November 2022 at 6:30pm IST/ 7:30am ET. (P.S. The
replay link will be sent on signup + an mp3 to help in
your weight release journey )
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