The Definitive Guide To Picking Legitimate Air Duct Cleaning Contractors In Salt Lake City, UT

The Definitive Guide To Picking Legitimate Air Duct Cleaning Contractors In Salt Lake City, UT , updated 7/6/22, 4:16 AM

Having the air ducts cleaned in your Salt Lake City home is definitely a good idea. However, as All Clean Air Duct Cleaning (801-298-2788) explains, there are some tips you should follow when choosing a cleaning company. Go to for more information.

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How To Pick Legit Air
Duct Cleaning
Contractors In Salt
Lake City, UT 
All Clean Air Duct Cleaning explains how to choose a
reputable air duct cleaner in Salt Lake City.
Hey, we all love a bargain, right? As
with most things in life, if it sounds too
good to be true, it probably is. That’s
what this leading local contractor
advises, and it's your health at stake.
In the wake of the pandemic, many of us are rightly concerned about indoor air
quality. Unfortunately, this has provided an opening for air duct cleaning
services that may not follow industry best practice. 
With their open and honest guide,
All Clean provides an easy-to-follow
checklist that you should follow
prior to booking services.
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, your air ducts
should be professionally cleaned if visible mold is present, if there is
excessive dust and/or debris, or if your ducts are infested by vermin. 
In addition, the agency suggests
that regular cleaning of heating
and cooling system components
can improve the overall efficiency
of your system.
Of course, All Clean Air Duct Cleaning is in full agreement with these
suggestions. However, their guide states that some contractors will offer a
“free mold inspection” as part of their service.
This can be used to sell
unnecessary and inappropriate
additional actions. You’re really not
getting a bargain at all.
Similarly, the guide states that air duct cleaning conducted
using negative vacuum pressure systems should take 2 hours
or more to complete. 
From a pricing perspective, All
Clean indicates that a single-furnace
home should cost around $300 to
$600. You should, therefore, beware
of rates of $100 or less.
Based in Centerville, Utah, All Clean Air Duct Cleaning provides a
comprehensive and reliable service in Salt Lake City, Ogden, Provo,
Park City, and surrounding districts. 
In addition to air ducts, the company
provides dryer vent and electrostatic
furnace filter cleaning. The recent guide
is a testament to the contractor’s
commitment to customer care.
Check out so you can learn more.