What Job Description Software Should Do for Hiring Teams

What Job Description Software Should Do for Hiring Teams, updated 9/14/21, 12:58 AM


Datapeople's job description software provides guidance on job titles, content, language, and requirements, as well as salary estimates, recruiting analytics, and workflows.

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What Job Description Software
Should Do for Hiring Teams
Job description software
should offer all of the
functionality you need to write
effective job descriptions.
Job description software should help you
title your jobs correctly, incorporate critical
content and use inclusive language. It
should help you list requirements clearly,
estimate salaries, measure talent pipeline
performance, and work collaboratively.
Job descriptions pull together a number
of content pieces that, together, offer
clarity and encourage qualified
candidates to apply. They also help with
compliance efforts. Datapeople points
out when a job post is too long or is
missing key information.
Datapeople also flags requirements or
requirement combinations that may
confuse or deter qualified candidates.
Listing an entire technology stack or
adding ‘Senior’ to a title that doesn’t
merit it, for example, can confuse and
deter job seekers.
Skills, experience, education, and location
all impact salaries, and seeing exactly how
they impact them helps hiring teams
manage the budget. Datapeople’s job
description software helps establish salaries
that are appropriate for the job─during the
writing process.
Job boards work by matching keywords in
candidate search queries to keywords in
job descriptions. Job titles also signal to
job seekers the seniority level of the
position. Datapeople’s job description
software provides guidance on proper job
Inclusive job posts use clear,
welcoming language. Datapeople
steers hiring teams away from
language proven to deter qualified
candidates and towards language
that attracts qualified candidates.
It also helps clarify their writing,
showing them how to address
candidates in the active voice,
remove confusing phrasing or
corporate cliches, and more.
Understanding how job descriptions
perform can help recruiting teams improve
the health of their entire hiring funnel.
Recruiting analytics gives them a bird’s-
eye view of their hiring funnel so they can
identify jobs that need attention,
bottlenecks, and more.
Finally, workflow. Integration with
applicant tracking systems (ATSs)
like Greenhouse and Workday
enables hiring teams to work
collaboratively on job descriptions,
post them back onto the ATS, and
then track their performance.
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