Restore Marine Bio-Diversity By Preventing Shark Finning & Stopping Prize Fishing

Restore Marine Bio-Diversity By Preventing Shark Finning & Stopping Prize Fishing, updated 12/13/23, 1:20 PM

As big and scary as they can sometimes be, we need sharks, and Ever Wonder Adventure—an online platform dedicated to restoring the balance between nature and humanity—wants to tell you why! Go to!/Save-Sharks-Stop-Shark-Finning/c/154444751 to find out more.

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Restore Marine Bio-Diversity By Preventing Shark
Finning & Stopping Prize Fishing
In its report, Ever Wonder Adventure
calls for decisive action to be taken
against the consumption of shark fins.
The report also debunks some of the
myths surrounding sharks,
addresses some of their
misrepresentations, and explains
why they are a critical part of the
marine ecosystem.
According to the
Ocean Portal,
around 100 million
sharks are killed
annually globally.
Though there are many
reasons for this number,
the primary reason is the
high monetary and cultural
value of shark fins, which
can sell for as much as
$500 a pound at market.
Shark finning—which
involves capturing sharks,
removing their fins, and then
discarding their bodies back
into the sea—is already
illegal in many waters.
However, it continues to be a
profitable industry in areas
where it remains legal and
with thriving black markets,
generating between 400 and
500 million USD annually.
Ever Wonder Adventure argues
that the practice of shark
finning should be outlawed
globally due to the ecological
importance of sharks, among
many reasons.
Go to
port-us to find out more.