Why Feeding Pigeons Encourages a Pest Problem

Why Feeding Pigeons Encourages a Pest Problem, updated 8/11/21, 3:57 AM


Custom Weed & Pest Control has been in business since 1989, serving the greater Phoenix metro area for both residential and commercial. We offer organic, natural and chemical pest control, with customized service to meet your specific needs. VISIT SITE: https://wekillweeds.com/

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Why Feeding Pigeons
a Pest Problem
Feeding pigeons might seem like a nice thing
to do, but it leads to serious problems.
Putting food out for one pigeon can lead
to an entire flock making your property
their home.
Pigeons are also known for spreading disease
and leaving a mess of droppings behind.
In Phoenix, feeding pigeons
is a punishable offense.
In addition to dealing with a hefty fine,
feeding pigeons can also lead to serious
pest problems at your home or business.
They Damage Buildings
A single pigeon can create significant
damage to your property in a short amount
of time.
The problem just gets worse when you have
a whole flock nesting on your property.
A pigeon’s droppings are highly acidic.
Over time, their waste can break down
building materials such as concrete, metal
and wood.
Once these materials break down,
rodents and insects are able to get
into your building.
Pigeons often tend to build nests in areas
that create problems.
Nests in gutter systems, drain pipes and
along the eaves of the roof can cause clogs.
This allows water to build up in areas where
it can cause damage.
Waterlogged wood and damaged
roofing materials are easier for pests
to chew through.
Pigeon problems are a common cause
of mice and rat invasions in attics.
Pigeon Droppings
Attract Pests
The droppings left behind by pigeons are
unsightly to humans and potentially toxic.
For insects, those droppings look like
a lovely feast.
Flies and cockroaches are known for feeding
on pigeon droppings.
Flies will also use the droppings to lay
their eggs in, since it provides nutrients
for their larva.
This is why you’ll often see an abundance
of flies in areas where pigeons tend
to congregate.
Pigeons Can Carry
Fleas and Ticks
You might already discourage squirrels from
wandering around your property to keep
flea problems at bay, but pigeons are
an often overlooked source of pests that
can affect your pets and spread disease.
Fleas, ticks and mites often feed on pigeons.
As pigeons fly and roost on your property,
these pests can fall off of their skin
and begin invading the land.
Keeping pigeons away from your property
can help prevent the spread of flea
and tick-borne illnesses.
Their Uneaten Food
Attracts Other Critters
Overzealous feeding often results in food
being left outside.
If you’ve ever seen ants overtake a bread
crumb, then you can see how this turns
into a major problem.
Uneaten food attracts a wide range of pests.
Small amounts of food might attract
cockroaches and ants.
Larger amounts can even draw in bigger
critters such as roof rats and raccoons.
If you have a problem with pests on your
commercial property, then you may want to
post signs asking guests not to feed pigeons.
At home, you can do your part by making
sure to clean up after eating outside.
Bringing in pet food and limiting the use
of bird seed can also keep pigeons away.
Pigeons are born with natural instincts that
help them feed themselves along with
their young.
Feeding a pigeon removes their ability
to find food naturally.
This practice can also lead to unwanted
behaviors that attract pests such as roosting.
If you stop feeding pigeons, they’ll often
go away on their own.
You’ll also benefit from deterring more pests
from coming to your property and causing
further damage.
Custom Weed & Pest Control has been
in business since 1989, serving the greater
Phoenix metro area for both residential
and commercial.
We offer an affordable weed and pest control
package, with customized service to meet
your specific needs.