Bye Bye Wasps: Get Rid of Nests the Safe Way with Pest Control Palmerston North Ltd

Bye Bye Wasps: Get Rid of Nests the Safe Way with Pest Control Palmerston North Ltd, updated 3/9/23, 10:47 AM

Wasps are known for their aggressive behavior and ability to sting repeatedly without losing their stingers, making them a greater risk than bees.

Pest Control Palmerston North Ltd 22A Ihaka Street Hokowhitu, Palmerston North, Manawatu-Wanganui 4410, New Zealand Website Phone +64-210-851-8931 Email

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Safely Remove Wasp Nests with
Expert Pest Control Services
In New Zealand, wasps are harmful
to people, pets, and vegetation. The
common and German wasps are the
most common species found. This
slide show will cover wasps in New
Zealand and their removal methods.
Types of wasps in New Zealand: The
common wasp and the German wasp
are the most common types of wasps
found in New Zealand. The common
wasp is a yellow and black striped
insect, while the German wasp has
three black dots on its face.
Why wasps are a problem: Wasps can
be a problem for several reasons. They
can sting people and pets, which can be
painful and in some cases, dangerous.
Wasps can also damage crops and
other vegetation, which can be costly for
farmers and gardeners.
How to prevent wasps: Preventing wasps
from setting up a nest on your property is the
best way to avoid a wasp problem. Keep your
property clean and tidy, and make sure any
food or drinks are covered. Seal up any
cracks or gaps in your home's exterior, and
keep your garbage cans sealed.
How to identify a wasp nest: A
wasp nest can be identified by its
papery texture and round shape. It
may be found in a tree, under the
eaves of a building, or in a hole in
the ground.
When to get professional help: If you
have a wasp nest on your property, it
is best to get professional help to
remove it. Trying to remove the nest
yourself can be dangerous and may
cause the wasps to become
How to get rid of a wasp nest:
Professional pest control services
can safely remove a wasp nest
from your property. They will use
specialized equipment and
protective clothing to avoid being
DIY wasp removal: If you choose to remove the
wasp nest yourself, it is important to take
precautions. Wear protective clothing,
including a long-sleeved shirt, pants, gloves,
and a hat. Use a wasp spray that is designed
to kill the entire nest, and spray it at night when
the wasps are less active.
After the nest is removed: After the
wasp nest has been removed, it is
important to clean up any debris or
leftover spray. Keep an eye out for
any new wasp activity and take
steps to prevent future infestations.
Wasp control products: There are
several wasp control products on the
market, including sprays, baits, and
traps. These products can be
effective in controlling wasps, but
they may also harm other insects and
Eliminate wasps at