Is Bleach Effective in Killing Bed Bugs?

Is Bleach Effective in Killing Bed Bugs?, updated 12/9/21, 7:32 AM


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Is Bleach
in Killing
Bed Bugs?
The pest industry is filled with myths
and recommendations for DIY remedies.
You might have heard that bleach kills bed
bugs, and it is great that you are seeking out
more information to find out if it is true.
With pests, knowledge is power, since using
the wrong method could cause the problem
to get worse.
Technically, bleach can kill a bed bug,
but you need to know more about why this isn’t
an effective treatment before you start dousing
your house.
The same can be said for any insect or critter
that is better left outside.
Finding any of these eight pests near your
house is a sign that you need to take action.
What Is the Active
Ingredient In Bleach?
The active ingredient in bleach
is sodium hydrochloride.
This ingredient is capable of breaking down
proteins, which is why it is effective
for removing stains and odors.
This same property can also technically break
down a bed bug’s outer shell, which can
sometimes work on eggs, too.
This can only happen if the bleach makes
direct contact with the bug, with enough time
for it to break down their outer shell.
Why Isn’t Using
Bleach Effective
for Killing Bed Bugs?
Bleach may be deadly for bed bugs,
but it is also toxic for humans.
Using bleach in a small enclosed area may
already be unsafe for people with asthma
or other respiratory disorders due to the fumes.
There can also be skin reactions if you are using
full-strength bleach in ways that could lead to
On top of the health risks, you’ll find that using
bleach in most parts of your house isn’t practical.
Bed bugs like to hide in carpet, and using bleach
there could lead to unsightly stains.
The same is also true for furniture such as
upholstered couches and chairs.
You’re unlikely to be able to get bleach to reach
those tiny places where bed bugs can hide,
such as in small cracks along bed frames
and walls.
If the bleach can’t directly touch the bed bug,
then it simply won’t work.
What About Using
It To Kill Bugs
On Bedding?
Bed bugs and their eggs can exist on bedding,
but they also tend to run and hide in response
to light, or after you get out of bed.
Laundering bedding is a good idea when you
have bed bugs, but you’ll also want to keep
in mind that the bleach method doesn’t work
when the product is diluted.
Even if you pour more than a cup of bleach
into the washing machine, it won’t be enough
to counteract the gallons of water that are
used in the wash cycle.
Plus, high amounts of bleach can remove the
dye from sheets and comforters.
What Is the Best
Method to Get Rid
of Bed Bugs?
If you are looking for a natural and effective
way to kill bed bugs, then heat is the answer.
1. Heat treatments are capable of reaching
every corner of a room.
2. High temperatures can kill bed bugs along
with their nearly invisible eggs and larva.
3. You’ll also be able to treat delicate areas of your house,
such as colored carpet and bedding, without having
to worry about bleaching them out.
If you happen to catch a single bed bug
in the middle of the night, then squashing it
and putting it out with the trash might bring
you relief.
You don’t even need to use the bleach.
After that, though, you need to take further action.
Heat treatments are safest and get rid of bed bugs
without damaging your home or putting your health
at risk.
Contact us for our specialized heat
treatment that will kill bed bugs.
Custom Weed & Pest Control has been in business
since 1989, serving the greater Phoenix metro area
for both residential and commercial.
We offer an affordable weed and pest control
package, with customized service to meet your
specific needs.