Overcome The Fear Of Failure & Achieve Your Full Potential With New Book By Award-Winning Coach

Overcome The Fear Of Failure & Achieve Your Full Potential With New Book By Award-Winning Coach, updated 2/4/23, 5:31 AM

You are destined for excellence. Discover the mindset and principles that guide you past your fears and into financial, personal, and career success. Tony J. Selimi, multi-award-winning author and international speaker, tells you how. Find out more at https://www.amazon.com/Path-Excellence-Blueprint-Achieving-Potential/dp/B0B8317KN8

Tony J. Selimi - Life Strategist and Business Coach Specialising in Human Behaviour and Maximising Human Potential 4 Riverlight Quay, London, Greater London SW11, United Kingdom Website https://tonyselimi.com Email prc.pressagency@gmail.com

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Achieve Your Full Potential With New
Book On Excellence By Award-
Winning Coach
Whether you're a respected CEO, a corporate executive, or you're a student
trying to figure it all out, it's important to understand everyone experiences
The only difference between you
and someone who's achieved their
dreams and is living their best life
is the vision you have for yourself.
A life strategist and business coach who
specializes in human behavior, TonyJ.
Selimi is an internationally recognized
leader in executive mentorships and self-
help resources.
His latest book, “A Path to Excellence: The Blueprint to Achieving Your Greatest Potential” teaches
you about the science of changing your mindset and building personal excellence.
Awarded top prize by Maincrest Media and an Amazon best-seller, A Path to
Excellence sets forth 8 clear principles you can implement to master confidence,
strength and clarity.
Achieving personal and professional excellence is attainable
if you are willing to work for it.
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Order your copy today!