Inner Banks Dental General Dentistry Lists Food Items To Avoid For Healthy Teeth

Inner Banks Dental General Dentistry Lists Food Items To Avoid For Healthy Teeth, updated 7/27/21, 3:31 PM

Inner Banks Dental has published its latest article covering dental health, which is aimed primarily at those people who consume a lot of soft drinks and regularly eat sweets. The full article can be read at

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Inner Banks Dental General Dentistry Lists
Foods To Avoid For Healthy Teeth
Flossing, brushing, and
mouthwash are always
recommended, but here are
some foods and drinks you
should try to stay away from to be
proactive and protect your teeth.
Soda - Soda makes the top of
the list for several reasons, not
only is it packed with tons of
sugar, it also has carbonation.
Carbonation dries out your
mouth and causes you to
produce less saliva, which
naturally clears your mouth of
bad bacteria and harmful food
Bread - Because of its
texture, bread can easily
get stuck between your
Your saliva then breaks the
starch down into sugar and
because it's between your
teeth, it can easily be missed
while brushing and cause
Ice - Because water is good for your
oral health, you might think that ice is
also a positive. However, crunching
down on ice breaks down your
enamel, making your teeth more
vulnerable to cracking or chipping.
Alcohol - Alcohol is not only
detrimental to your overall
health but can also have a
negative effect on your oral
Similar to soda, alcohol
dries out your mouth and
causes less saliva
Alcohol is also often mixed
with sugary beverages that
cause it to be even more
If you do consume any of
these foods or drinks, be
sure to floss and brush to get
rid of harmful particles.
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