Universal Accounting School Changed My Life

Universal Accounting School Changed My Life, updated 9/20/21, 10:32 PM


A mother of four teenage children shared that it seemed like the harder she worked, she didn't get paid more money until she found Universal Accounting.

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School Changed
My Life
If she doesn't want to do taxes, she doesn't have to
do taxes.
She doesn't have to conform to
anybody else's idea of what a
business should look like and
can do anything she wants.
Threre are people behind her that will help her figure
it out.
She loves it! Freedom is opening up
her creative side; she is able to be
what she wants to be, create what
she wants to create, and serve how
she wants to serve.
Universal Accounting helped her
understand essentially color
accounting - took her back to the
basics and started from the beginning.
Universal Accounting describes it as
natural and it's kind of a beautiful thing.
Before Universal Accounting school she felt like a deer in
the headlights.
She is so proud to be able to have
taught her kids that they can do
anything they want to do and not to let
anybody tell them what they can or
can't do.
She has the strength to be more
of who she wants to be.
She has an entire team of wonderful people
who can answer any question she and it helps
her to navigate through those conversations.
She ended with that she is very
blessed to have found the
Universal Accounting.
She is so grateful that  she is able to say
that she can do this.
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