This magical novel encompasses the world of Edward Foster.

This magical novel encompasses the world of Edward Foster., updated 3/31/22, 6:17 AM


What if a Healer could cure any disease with a simple laying on of hands…but could also see the dark secrets hidden in the recesses of the soul? That is the premise of The Vagabond Healer, James R. Olson’s award winning novel.

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Faith, and service are major themes of this Reader’s
Choice Award winning novel.
What if a Healer could cure any disease with a simple laying on of
handsbut could also see the dark secrets hidden in the recesses of
the soul? 
That is the premise of The Vagabond Healer,
James R.Olson's award winning novel.
He meets Lisa Bennett and for the first time in years
has a reason to put down roots, but Eddy knows his gift
will soon force him to run again.
At first people are grateful for the gift of his
healing, but soon his curse of seeing into
the deepest recesses of people's souls,
exposing their darkest secrets, begins to
stir their fear.
More details about The Vagabond Healer
can be found at:
When asked whether there had been
anyone in his life upon whom he had based
the character of Eddie, Olson said no.
Olson pondered on whether there might be a better way to
defeat illness.
That thought soon led to the
creation of Eddie Foster, the
vagabond healer.
Since there are two sides to every coin,
perhaps there had to be an opposite
effect to the blessing of healing.
In Eddie's case it was the curse of seeing into the deep
recesses behind the masks most people wear.
This story became so real to Olson, that
once Eddie Foster emerged, Sam,
Mary, Lisa, and all the citizens of
Cranston just automatically came to life
on their own.
Is the power of goodness in Eddie's gift strong
enough to overcome the curse of darkness
hidden in everyone? One reader of The
Vagabond Healer described the novel as "a
commentary on goodness and the angels that
walk among us".
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