Heal Trauma and Soul Wounds With Scripture: New Book By Best-Selling Christian Author & Speaker

Heal Trauma and Soul Wounds With Scripture: New Book By Best-Selling Christian Author & Speaker, updated 3/22/23, 7:31 AM

Are you a Christian trauma survivor looking to heal your emotional wounds through studying the Scriptures? Globally recognized humanitarian and pastor Dr. Gershom Sikaala is releasing a new book on Amazon, “Healing Your Own Soul,” on March 23, 2023. You can learn more at https://gershomsikaala.org/

His Presence Fire Ministries DBA Gershom Sikaala 1539 E HOWARD ST, PASADENA, California 91104, United States Website https://www.gershomsikaala.org Phone +1-323-799-6266 Email gail@gibsonpublicrelations.com

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Heal Trauma With Scripture: New
Book By Best-Selling Christian Author
& Speaker
Today’s world seems to grow more perilous every day, and it seems inevitable that
everyone – even godly people – will have to deal with some level of trauma in their
But Jesus' teachings promise Godly
people ultimate freedom, despite the
trauma and harm they may have to
face in this life.
In his new book, “Healing Your Own
Soul,” Dr. Gershom Sikaala unfolds the
healing messages encapsulated in
these teachings.
He will show you how to heal your emotions in the wake of trauma with the help of Christian
scripture from the Old Testament and New Testament, including healing scriptures.
You'll learn how to separate your trauma from your true identity and recognize that
identity in God, thus deepening your relationship with Him and healing body, mind,
and soul.
Like his previous publications, Dr. Sikaala's new book will encourage you to
actively seek spiritual awakening through the timeless wisdom of Biblical
Dr. Sikaala’s inspirational exegesis of the Bible’s perennial wisdom offers the spiritual
strength you’ve been searching for. You can pre-order early-bird copies on his website.
Learn more at