StellarPony Published Latest Article Discussing Price Technical Analysis

StellarPony Published Latest Article Discussing Price Technical Analysis, updated 9/20/22, 6:16 AM

StellarPony published its latest article at in which it covers the technical analysis of Stellar price for its coin enthusiasts

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Stellar Coin Shows Positive Technical
Indicators in Price Analysis: StellarPony
After forming a base above
the $0.1000 level, stellar
lumen price started a fresh
increase against the US
The article brings to light
fascinating information
especially because it covers
the technical indicators that
describe the performance of
the Stellar coin.
The article has been
written by Jim Martzall
who wanted to use this article
to bring particular attention to
the subject of Stellar coin
price technical analysis.
They feel they may have
done this best in the
following extract:
'Stellar coin is expected to
leave the resistance and
enter a positive zone on
price increase'
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