Check This ERTC Calculator & Rebate Eligibility Guide For Pandemic Tax Credits

Check This ERTC Calculator & Rebate Eligibility Guide For Pandemic Tax Credits, updated 8/2/22, 8:01 AM

Find out if you qualify for Employee Retention Tax Credits, and how to calculate your maximum rebate, in these new guides from Scott Hall. Or use the free eligibility assessment and done-for-you application service to have your claim completed by ERTC experts. Visit

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Check This ERTC Calculator & Rebate
Eligibility Guide For Pandemic Tax Credits
Did you know that you may qualify for Employee Retention Tax Credits
(ERTC) from the federal government, even if you weren't eligible when
the program first launched?
The ERTC was created in
2020 but has gone
through several changes
that are explained in this
new guide launched by
Scott Hall.
The report examines how
changes to the program
impact your business and
important updates to the
eligibility requirements.
The new eligibility
requirements allow
employers with up to 500 full-
time employees to apply for
tax rebates, as well as non-
profit organizations, startups,
and new businesses.
The guide also clarifies
how you can still be eligible
for ERTC rebates, even if
you have already received
a loan through the
Paycheck Protection
Program (PPP).
It also contains links to a simple eligibility quiz, that you can
complete for free in about 60 seconds to find out if you qualify.
Need help with the paperwork? The guide includes a link to an
expert ERTC application service that will help you maximize your
credit to learn more.