Most Profitable Investment Opportunity In Nigeria In 2022: A Plot Of Prime Land In This Green City

Most Profitable Investment Opportunity In Nigeria In 2022: A Plot Of Prime Land In This Green City, updated 5/25/22, 11:01 PM

Looking for a way to gain a foothold in Nigeria's fast-rising economy? Well, you've found it. Eko Atlantic in Lagos has just opened its doors to investors who want to capture a portion of the country's meteoric growth. Learn more at

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The Most Profitable Investment Opportunity
In Nigeria In 2022
Why shouldn't "green" and Africa go together? After all, it's the
youngest and fastest-growing continent in the world! The future is
theirs to win! 
Eko Atlantic, built to solve the chronic shortage of real estate
in the world's fastest-growing megacity while adhering to
strict models of green infrastructure is now open for investors.
Standing on 10 million square metres of land reclaimed
from the ocean and protected by an 8.5-kilometre long
sea wall, the city is self-sufficient and sustainable.
Notably, all developers within the City
must build to the International Finance
Corporation's Green EDGE standard,
which focuses on making developments
more resource-efficient.
This new and eco-conscious city
aims to unlock the growth potential
for property development and future
Eko City's roads have been created at a higher elevation to allow for a
natural flow of stormwater drainage to its internal canal system via
Roundabouts - rather than four-way
intersections - have also been
implemented by the city, ensuring a
safer and more efficient traffic flow.
The city employs energy-efficient LED
lighting in all streetlights for significant
cost savings.
"This is the most exciting - and largest - feat of modern
engineering I have ever witnessed," said a city spokesperson.
"We were able to take a problem - housing
shortages - and turn it into a truly next
generation, eco-friendly solution meeting the
needs of residents, investors, and city
planners. It's a tremendous achievement."
If you're an investor, the opportunities are
mind-blowing: a fortified, green coastal
city and global gateway with state-of-the-
art infrastructure heading into mid-
century?! Wow! 
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