Read This Guide For Selecting The Top School Board Management Software

Read This Guide For Selecting The Top School Board Management Software, updated 8/20/21, 4:31 PM

eBOARDsolutions, which specializes in online board management tools, has announced the launch of a new guide to help school boards and their management team effectively assess board management software and help them improve board governance. Learn more at

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Read This Guide For Selecting The Top
School Board Management Software
Are you a member of a school board?
The new board management software
evaluation and funding guide released
by eBOARDsolutions is a must-read for
school boards looking to improve
leadership and governance in their
school system.
You can download the guide compiled
by the Lawrenceville, Georgia-based
company to learn practical tips for
board members, superintendents and
secretaries looking for advice in
evaluating and selecting board
management software.
Utilizing technology tools can help boards
and their staff organize, align, auto¬mate,
and simplify everyday tasks by facilitating
paperless meeting agendas, strategic
planning, policy management, board and
superintendent evaluations, document
management, and communications.
Ideally, Board Management
Software takes into consideration
all these vital aspects around the
work of the board and helps your
board and staff manage them from
one central and easily accessible
eBOARDsolutions organized the
buyer’s guide into three primary
sections - effective practices of high-
performing boards, a checklist for
evaluating board manage¬ment
software, and funding consider¬ations
using the federal stimulus.
The experts at the company meticulously
compiled criteria to help evaluate board
management software. These criteria are
divided into categories including usability
and accessibility, security, meeting
management, strategic planning, policy
management, and more.
The guide makes the case for districts to
use special COVID-19 stimulus funding
for investing in board management tools
that improve learning outcomes. In
addition, it provides detailed information
on which funding sources you can use to
buy this type of software.
The document also lists ten
effective practices that your board
should implement such as defining
and reviewing team expectations,
building leadership capacity and
fostering community support.
eBOARDsolutions has more
than two decades of experience
in the board management
sector as a subsidiary of the
Georgia School Boards
Association (GSBA).
Its proprietary software Simbli, helps
boards automate and simplify
everyday tasks through software that
facilitates paperless meetings,
strategic planning, policy
management, board evaluations,
document management, and
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