Why Recruiters Should Close Their Evergreen Jobs

Why Recruiters Should Close Their Evergreen Jobs, updated 9/28/22, 8:31 AM


Evergreen jobs make attracting applicants more difficult and measuring recruiting efforts all but impossible.

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Why Recruiters Should Close
Their Evergreen Jobs
Rather than create a new
job every time, some hiring
teams just leave the job
Evergreen jobs are
convenient because hiring
teams don't have to advertise
the same role over and over.
But evergreen jobs make
attracting applicants more
difficult and measuring
recruiting efforts all but
Evergreen jobs are hard to
find on job boards Job
seekers use titles as search
terms, and they search for
industry-standard titles.
Evergreen jobs can turn off
applicants who don't get a
response Some hiring teams like
to use their applicant tracking
system as a repository for
These 'Pipeline Reqs' rely on
evergreen jobs to continuously
collect applicants, which
recruiters can then 'funnel' into
other open requisitions.
Candidates quickly tire of job
boards full of 'phantom' jobs that
aren't really open, are only open
for legal reasons, or seem
tailored to a 'unicorn' candidate.
Evergreen jobs wreck
recruiting analytics Because
they stay open, evergreen
jobs don't offer an end-to-end
view of each round of hiring.
Days live shows how well job
ads are performing, while
time to fill tracks the total
time it takes to fill a job.
Evergreen jobs wreck
both days live and time to
fill. Avoid them.
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