False Claims Nationwide Targeted by KC Whistleblower Firm Brady & Associates

False Claims Nationwide Targeted by KC Whistleblower Firm Brady & Associates, updated 2/21/23, 2:47 PM

Kansas City-based whistleblower attorney, Michael Brady, has expanded his firm, Brady & Associates, to provide representation for whistleblowers across the country in False Claims Act litigation.

Brady & Associates

2118 W 120th Street

Leawood, KS 66209, United States



Brady & Associates 2118 W 120th Street, Leawood, KS 66209, United States Website https://mbradylaw.com Email prc.pressagency@gmail.com

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False Claims Nationwide Targeted by KC
Whistleblower Firm Brady & Associates
To protect themselves and their
careers, it is imperative for
whistleblowers to seek the advice
and representation of a
knowledgeable attorney
specializing in whistleblower law.
Brady & Associates , a Kansas City-based law
firm specializing in whistleblower protection
and federal false claims litigation, has recently
gained recognition for its work in advocating for
those who choose to come forward with
information about fraud and abuse within their
Brady's firm is dedicated to
representing whistleblowers
in their pursuit of justice and
protection from retaliation.
Brady & Associates has a
successful track record as a
whistleblower lawyer of helping
clients navigate the complex and
often intimidating process of
reporting and litigating false
During the podcast, Brady shared
his insights on the importance of
using an attorney in such cases and
the critical role they play in
protecting the rights and interests
of the whistleblower.
Brady & Associates has extensive
experience litigating under the
False Claims Act, and has been
instrumental in securing significant
recoveries for the government and
whistleblowers alike.
Brady & Associates is
dedicated to protecting the
rights of whistleblowers and
ensuring they receive the
support they need to stand up
against retaliation.
Michael Brady's successful
representation of a whistleblower
in a medical device false claims
case in 2017 resulted in a
significant recovery for both the
government and the
08 to resolve fraud claims
brought forward by the
whistleblower, who was
represented by Brady &
The whistleblower attorneys at Brady
& Associates are experienced lawyers
that provide critical support to those
who choose to come forward with
information about fraud and abuse
within their organizations and
government agencies.
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