Discover What to Do If Experiencing Dry Eye

Discover What to Do If Experiencing Dry Eye, updated 3/1/23, 10:27 AM

Discover the Advanced Dry Eye Center from The Eye Institute and how they can help with nagging or irritating dry eyes. The Eye Institute 111 Seaboard Ave Suitre #110, Raleigh, NC 27604, United States Website Phone +1-919-200-4840 Email

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Discover What to Do If
Experiencing Dry Eye
The Eye Institute offers
clients an Advanced Dry Eye
Center to help overcome the
nagging feeling of dry eye.
What is dry eye? According to
The Eye Institute, dry eye is
when an eye starts to feel
gritty, tired or irritated.
The Tear Institute team uses
state-of-the-art technology and
treatment options to handle
everyday dry eye to advanced
cases of the ocular surface
The Eye Institute will screen all
patients for dry eye, even if
they exhibit no symptoms, so
no case of this progressive
disease will go unseen.
If suffering from dry eye or have
been diagnosed with an
autoimmune disease, The Eye
Institute encourages clients to
schedule an in-depth dry eye
examination appointment.
Causes of dry eye can
include age, immune system,
trauma, medications, and
long periods of computer
The Eye Institutes Dry Eye
Center offers exams to help
understand what is causing a
patient's dry eye and how to
treat it.
A dry eye can develop into chronic
dryness, which can cause
redness, itching, irritation, blurred
vision, foreign body sensation,
extreme sensitivity to light, and
thick collections of mucus.
Optometrists will
determine the best
approach for each client's
dry eye.
Located in Knightdale,
Raleigh, and Wake Forest,
North Carolina, The Eye
Institute is dedicated to giving
each patient superior vision
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